
Showing posts from June, 2011

What if...

I have a lot of these What-If 's questions running in my head lately. What if I choose this... What if I take that... What if I go there... What if I stay here... ...and the list goes on and on. I used to be that kind of person who dislikes 假设性问题 What-If 's questions, and I even scolded few friends for asking me such questions. As years gone by, I realized that I've made A LOT of decisions myself, more or less giving some impact into my life and somehow form who I am right now. For some reason, I start to think about the other way around, the other side of the journey, the other exit of the life crossroad junctions. What would happen if I make the other decision? What would happen if I choose the other exit of that junction? Who would I meet? What kind of challenges I would face? What kind of a person would I become if I did that? ...and it gone a little insane too, that I started to have regrets in some decisions I made, which is not really a good idea. It affected me in...

'I Feel Insulted!!'

Best drama ever!! ... ... ... so far ... ... Doing an event, regardless the size of the event, we have to work in a group/community/whatever you call it. Working with a group of people, regardless the size of the group, we often see a lot and different kind of funny/disgusting/irritating/whatever-you-feel attitude and behaviors among the people. I think you may have meet some of the weirdest people in your life. Those that you really want to whack his/her head with a hammer. Today, a funny little incident erupted among our little committees group. I'm not the victim nor the 'prosecutor' in this scenario, just an audience with popcorn on her hand. *Cheshire cat smiles* Apparently, someone felt offended by the emails, and replied in hatred and anger. The point is: 1. It's not really a big deal, as if we can get credit in terms of cash or prize for doing this 'charity' work. Why so serious? 2. Even if you want to write angry email, make sure you che...


又在爱FM听见了!! 一分钟前还在给它一些不是很感兴趣又平音的语调翻白眼,下一分钟就因兴奋而尖叫! 上个小时,主持人介绍着历年来最受欢迎的电影主题曲。 这个小时,轮到介绍宫崎骏的电影和主题曲。 正好播了....: *大爱* 幽灵公主 Princess Mononoke 是属于比较黑色幽默的类型,Soundtrack 也比较偏向忧伤,第一次听了鸡皮疙瘩都掉满地了... 听收音机咯!!!

Too Many Series, Too Little Space (& Time)

One down, nine to go. Yes. Ten of them all. The other day a friend was posting a youtube on one of the "The Good Wife" scene, and I was silently screaming of excitement that finally someone shares the same taste as I do. Then he and his friends talked about 'collecting' the series, finished watching this season, didn't get a hand on that season... Then I wondered, how come all my laptop drives and external HDD are full? Secret revealed that I am currently watching/wanting-to-watch ten series! - Castle S3 (just finished season finale) - Glee S2 - House S7 - White Collar S2 - The Mentalist S3 - CSI S11 - CSI:NY S7 - Lie To Me S3 - Raising Hope S1 Four of them has yet to be 'collected' the entire season, and my drives scream " DAMN YOU I'm stuffed lah!! " Duh!! Boh bien, the usual entertainment slot is taken place by the data entry part time job, for money's sake. :/ Time of new HDD investment? Hmm. I just got my pay ...

Mission Impossible Complete (should be)

Always treating us as a bunch of almighty captain brainaches, Boss gave us a mission impossible today: to complete (our part) the research grant form and submit by the very same evening. Yes. Meeting at 9.30am, submission date at 4.00pm that evening. See? All of us squeezed billions and billions neurons to complete our part. Well, the partial thing (our part) was done at around 5.00pm, so the submission thing will be done by Boss lah... Tired. Yet, sleeping late again tonight. Sigh~ P/S: I had an anxiety attack again. My job in the Bursary Committee of the postgraduate conference is way overdue. Sigh~ Blame myself though... Calling for sponsorship here! Who/Which company is kind and generous enough to help? =)

It Goes 'Churp Churp'

I was watering landlady's plants (I am such a darling tenant loh~) when I heard a loud churp churps going on and on around the plants. I looked ups and downs for any possibilities I might find a nest around the hollow place at the awning, near the door etc, until I found a stash of hay/dry grass on one of the thin and tall bamboo-like plant. Then I tried to move away the branches to get a closer look at it, until I spotted a door-like entrance and the nest... ^The white thing within all the leaves and dry grass is beak of a bird inside the nest!! I wasn't sure if the bird was dead or what as it stayed there very very still throughout my inspection. I guess it just be very very alert and stern against predator. When I was moving the branches around to get even closer looks, I could see little wings wiggling around!! Cuteness~ I must say, the bird parents must be a really great architects as the nest is built on a very high ground and between the look-like very fr...


看了欢喜台的蓝色水玲珑 - 西瓜有鬼 (上集)... 希望aunty下个星期先别回来,让我看了下集再回来吧 -_- 这集故事说的是一位豆花婆, 养大两个儿子却永远没时间回家乡看看; 花钱买孝顺却差点丢了性命; 儿子总算回来照顾了却假孝顺不安好心; 最后落得一个老人家只能对着一粒西瓜说话; 结果,西瓜竟然变鬼了... ... ... 故事结果要看续集才知道了,可是,看着豆花婆,让我隐约看到婆婆的影子... 孝顺,一直都是很大课题。 常常在戏里看的,说的那句话我特别鄙视:“对不起啦,我太忙,没时间回家~” 相反来说,我娘却为了我的将来好,把我从家乡USM赶来无聊村。-_- 听到一个更扯的:忙到连回家奔丧的时间都没有... 世上的钱你能赚完吗?没你爹娘你根本就不在这世上~ 冷静冷静... 不要等到‘子欲养而亲不在’才来痛哭~孝顺吧~ 那些还不醒觉的,等报应吧~ ******************************** 看了三百次还是笑个不行~~

Penang Weekend Getaway

...again... 反正不会很远嘛~ I chose an alternative route this time, exited via Sungai Petani (U), bypassed partial highway which saved the toll money by RM6.90!! (RM11.40-RM4.50). Anyway, city drive was the tormenting part, I doubted I saved any on the fuel. Sigh~ Met up with Hau, the senior and my ketua when I was with Pusat Sukan in Poli . We haven't met for 7-8 years!! Things I've done: 1. War Museum Well, it was quite different from what I've imagined it to be. It would be great for the night tour, for its hilly landscape, dim lights, manikins etc. Since we visited in the day time, it was less creepy and a little disappointing -__- ^Time trail of what was going on in the past... ^The replica of General Tomoyuki Yamashita gallow They have small and pitch dark underground tunnels for the visitors to walk through, where a torch light would come in handy. We even spotted bats on the second tunnel. When it got a little boring for me while walking through floors and floors of fort...

Tribute to BiBiBoi Lim

Last March, we lost CoCo. Now, BiBi leave us too. Forever. :( Mom went to KL last weekend, and when the time they got back home, they were told that there's some veterinary officers came to our neighborhood to shoot stray dogs as there were complaints about stray dogs hunting and eating the chicken. Innocently, BiBi was shot; while the main culprit got away as the bastxrd knew how to survive and where to hide. My parents didn't find the body though, must be carried away by the officers. Few of the strays were gone too. ********************** BiBi came to our house last August . Mom was a little hesitated in the beginning since he was a little over the tiny puppy phase anymore when he was brought to the house. Like little infant who can recognise the parents, he already recognised the one who feed him. It took some time for us to get fond with him, luckily it didn't took too long. He was a mischievous little brat, although he grows to be slightly mature little fella when he...


自从神山之旅归来后,我一直不停地作着旅游白日梦。 ( 想到钱的问题就会自动醒来回到现实.. :/ ) 世界这么大,我一直向往的,始终是我曾经呆过四个月的中国。 而且,去中国旅行,费用不会很高噢~需要申请签证 就比较麻烦... 我坦诚,以前我对中国的看法不外乎是无聊,无趣,旅游胜地只有北京万里长城的国家。 甚至,我也只认识北京,上海,广州,福建; 我几乎不知道原来还有其他的省区。 而且,我一直以为秦兵马俑在北京...-___- 直到我到了新疆享受交换生的经验后,我才知道,自己是多么的无知。 惭愧惭愧... 忘了是参加什么游戏,我有一天偶然收到 Apple 101 的快报email。 它更为我的旅行白日梦大大地打了个强心针。 在读了里头关于 新 疆 的作品,我脑海里都是当初在那里度过的快乐时光。 虽然都是在讲喀纳斯,那里可算是新疆最美丽的地方之一,我本身也强力推荐噢! 可是,喀纳斯位于新疆最西北处,时间不允许的话,去天山天池也是不错的选择~ (哎哟,不得了,当起导游tim...) 还说到 黄山之旅 ,更让我心跳加速了。 作者去了西海大峡谷!! 我的遗憾哪~~~ 这么多作品,最让我受不了的是 -- 西藏 。 西藏,算是我有生之年一定要去的其中一个地方。 尤其,那篇文章完全没写关于西藏的trademark,布达拉宫; 而是说了另一个我不知道的景区:珠穆朗玛峰大本营 Mt. Qomolangma/Mt. Everest Base Camp 海拔5200米,比深山顶峰还高!! *兴奋尖叫-ing* 而且从这里可以看得到世界最高峰,我心脏已经没办法负荷了~~ 一点小插曲: 上个周末,当我到槟城游玩时,偶然在极乐寺遇见两位来自重庆的中国夫妻问路,聊下聊下越来越投机,互相帮了忙:我和朋友帮了他们写下去KK的路线及地名等(他们也太勇敢了,完全不会英文,却有勇气到大马游玩,我很够力甘拜下风五体投地...),他们也帮我们写了中国必游之地~ ~~张家界 ~~漓江 ~~青海(月牙泉,鸣沙山,敦煌) 我要去旅行!!!

Indication of Boss' Whereabouts

How does the indicator work? It is greatly related to the level of noise in the lab: When it is really noisy (level 5 - 10) = the lab is crowded with people = Boss is in Kangar but at some place else When it is rather quite (level 0 - 4) = Boss is either IN the cluster (the cluster is crowded yet everyone is very quiet) OR = Boss is very far far away (the lab is empty) LoL. Hope boss doesn't see this, or else we're so dead.

Shopping Frenzy and other things

Due to all the frenziness of road trips and stuffs, I took a short weekend getaway to PJ for LaYen's wedding. It wasn't really a getaway for relaxation at all, because I spent my days there shopping and movies and going arounds. My outcomes: ^Halter dress and blouse for DaJie's wedding The halter dress was bought at Rantau Panjang. Super Deep V!! There's whole lot more 战利品 from the shopping, most of them are great bargains tops and singlets (3 spaghetti tops for RM11 in F.O.S!!) , and a pair of RM29 jeans from WH, and they went all into the washing machine before I realized I should have taken photos for blogging. I came back to Perlis a little earlier than I have planned, as I wanted to attend the Belly Dance Workshop. It was fun! The fan suddenly stopped working in the middle of the night, causing me bath in sweat that woke me up. Went to shop for fan in C-Mart Arau as they're having an electrical appliance expo there. I was a little regret after pa...

Driving Frenzy

A total of 1,400 km, 24 hours in total, I am hebat ness overload! :) Four of us, under same supervisor, attended the conference held in TATiUC in Kemaman, Terengganu. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, although I was at Kota Bharu a week before the conference, I still needed to go back to Perlis to start driving from there. For the whole 1,400 km journey, I was the sole driver, because: One don't have license; One has license but forgot how to drive (due to lack of practices); One can't drive manual car. For some moment, it do make me feel very proud of myself because there's almost nothing that cannot be done by me! :p The going trip was terrible. The time was a little rush so we decided to complete the journey within one day. BIG mistake I felt woozy from 1/4 of the journey because of early hour wake up time, plus the hot weather, I didn't even know how did I get through all this. Worse part was that the whole journey was on the 1 and/or 2 lane c...