
Showing posts from February, 2013


话说,今年是我第一个农历新年呢~ 2013年二月的我八个月大,可是我的身材是不容忽视的。又长又大只的我,每个人都以为我已经周岁了呢!为什么啊?歧视大只佬吗?? 新年前一个拜二,捧我捧上天的外公突然不见了,结果在拜三,一辆银色车突然在KB家门口停下来...是外公也!!!...还有,一位似曾相识的陌生人... ...原来是好久(四个月)不见的鲨鱼啊~~~三生有幸的她可以伺候我一天~ 第二天早上,我感觉床摇了一摇,张开眼睛转身一瞧,好陌生的人形啊!!娘呢?外婆呢?外公呢?哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇哇 顺便把这位陌生人形吵醒... 这位‘陌生人’把我抱出家外吹吹早晨的新鲜空气,并看看那些顽皮捣蛋的狗狗们玩耍。可是我的脸还是臭个不行啦~~~ ...待我心情比较平复一点后,才发现原来那位‘陌生人’是三姨啦~~~ 不久,外婆回家了,洗完澡的我超开心的!! 话说我的头发虽然已经从婴儿时期的站站头变成现在都掉下来盖着头皮,可是还是很厚,所以每次,尤其是,在摇篮里睡觉时,头发都会弄到乱个不行,更过分的是....  有时会乱到好像糟老头一样!!  时间往前fast forward一下,大年初一我穿了小姨姨在越南买给我的粉红色裙装。那条裙上的凉凉粉状都往我脸上贴着了... 大年初二,婆婆在家里做laksa,这天我穿了也是属于窈窕淑女派的裙装,很可爱一下的咯~~~ 接下来的几天,我都会三不五时地到KB外婆家报到,跟姨姨们见面玩耍,他们都超好玩的呢!! 我跟你说噢,有一次啊,小姨姨把我抱出家外玩,结果啊,都没给我包个尿布,就这样拿尿布遮丑着出去了!!可是,我还是玩得很开心~~ ^^ 再有一次呢,冲凉后,鳄鱼突发奇想地为我梳了个中分头。我太专心弄玩具了,都没看镜头。 可是,我这么可爱,就算是糟老头形象也还是有一大堆人爱着我咯!!! 转眼,今天是元宵了,祝大家恭喜发财,万事如意 :D

Shirlyn: My First CNY

p/s 1: I, the blog owner predict it 's gonna be quite a long text to talk about this giant baby, so I separate the CNY post to two, one for my general activities and another one solely about HER!!! ^^ p/s 2: An announcement to make: from now on, Shirlyn would be called 'Little One' on my blog, and we agreed (not too much 热烈反应 from her mom) to call her 黄馒头 XD p/s 3: Yup, this is another Shirlyn as the narrator post... Enjoy :) *** *** *** *** *** Well well well, it's my first Chinese New Year! :) A week before CNY, grandpa was gone for two days, and he's back with third aunty aka 三姨 aka Jaws-y ('Third aunt' sounds like shark or jaws in Mandarin). It's been four months since I last saw her, I wasn't familiar with her already, and obviously she wasn't either. We went through some ice breaking session but I was so very much confused with her phone and camera shutter sound, so she couldn't take any of my smiley face. That night, I d...

CNY 2013

Pre CNY: 1) Did a DIY hair dye again this year, using the same Liese Bubble Hair Dye but tried a different shade of color - pinkish range Cassie Berry. Decided to do it two weeks prior to CNY is because by that time, the smell would gone and the color would be more obvious, so the timing is just nice~ Bought the box at The Store for a dirt cheap price, RM26! (Retail price would be RM32++) Then only I realized the manufacturing date was on July 2011, so I leave a note on Liese's FB page for enquiry, and the rep said there is a life span of 3 years for all Liese products. Since my scalp doesn't feel any discomfort yet, let's just touch wood and hope it doesn't comes with any side effects in the future. Anyway, the first wash after dye (and on photo too) showed a very distinct reddish and pinkish shade, but as time goes by, the color started to be blonde/yellowish. I must have not evenly applying the bubbles evenly this time again, the color on the front part (f...

KL Weekend Getaway with Love

LOL yep this happened waaay before CNY... Before you ask, the 'LOVE' refers to my dearie friend, Hoon Shien, my besties buddy for, what, 15 years and counting! The trip planning started since my birthday, when she SMS-ed wishing me happy birthday and updated me some of her 'shocking' life events. Back then, she was still working in Perak, so I beria-ia wanted to visit her as I 'promised' I would do that for few years she worked there. Of course, it didn't come true as she was in the process of transfer to KL. Few months later, we chatted again, and she sounded upset, so I had to make the trip happened. And so I did. Took the latest bus to KL, 11.30pm, but the driver didn't seem to care about the speed limit, I arrived KL at 5am!! -___- Please note that Pudu station is NOT open until 5.30am, so if you arrive early, you have to stay outside with the rest of the group - no worries too, I had a whole bunch of people waiting outside at the ungodly ho...

A Quick One

When the 'Spring Break' almost ended, Tino said,"There must be tonnes of blog posts you want/need to write huh?" Yep! Some were so back-dated to before CNY, and some were drafted in my head when I was stuck in the traffic in town, so I have plenty to write. Some quick update: Sick for few days, ang pows as usual, friends gatherings were awesome!, RAIN in KB, and I literally brought rain back to Perlis, and I am tired today so I skip lab time :p ...and, not surprisingly, 98% of the pictures I've taken throughout the CNY break were Shirlyn's. LOL