
Showing posts from October, 2007


头风 , 在福建话里的意思,是指...errr..." tao hong " 心情没有天气预测,难料几时会有暴风雨,几时会雨过天晴,几时会风和日丽.. 我是个有头风的人.. 在温习读书,要睡觉前,和起床后的十五分钟的时候最明显... 我的风,也没有Katrina那么严重,只是... " Lim, kau nampak paling ngeri masa tu... " *Housemates讲的


放 study week 假回来,才发现,我这间宿舍的七个人里面,有三个分手了 ( 包括我在内) ... 有一个呢,是 ' 前 ' 男朋友不甘寂寞,女友假扮别人要认识他,他胆敢说单身,穿帮了,男的被甩 ... 另一个呢,我也不清楚状况 ... 可是听说女的想分手很久了 .. 在我写这个 blog 时,也才发现到,三大民族到齐哦 ... 我这个唐人婆,一个马来婆和一个吉林婆 .. 吉林婆从她回来到现在,天天都有电话粥煲( 不是想说羡慕或妒忌,只是我跟她同房,要睡觉时一直听到印度话 "ki li ko lok ki li ko lok" 的,很难入眠啊 ..) 听到她跟其中一个室友说 :" 我很怕再恋爱了 "... 我 ... 有的是勇气吗? 我不晓得... 很多人说过这句话很多次 :" 想忘掉之前的恋情吗?谈一段新的恋爱吧 !" 我 ... 也是这么想的吗? 我不晓得 ... 我只知道 , 我已经被放在心里 ... =) 可是,还是要道歉,本来我是放在脑海里,只是最近因考试,脑袋 corrupted, 要一直 defragment, 所以我已经转移到心里 =)


*一张照片胜过千言万语* *生日快乐 我对自己说* 对不起,很鬼迟下 =P 我才发现阿juju有save给我照片... 所以现在就post上来 ^10月4号, Kangar Pizza Hut ^ 生日前一个星期,被人请在海天~~* 这件海鲜店是在Kuala Perlis码头附近而已哦.. ^ 今年的礼物 =) 卡片和狗狗pouch是姐姐妹妹寄给我的宿舍的.. 爱死她们 ^小俊杰~* 这个小瓜会走路了...

*Raya Party at Kubang Gajah*

在回来玻璃市的第二天,大学举办了一场majlis hari raya在Kubang Gajah的校园.. 为免等不到巴士回宿舍的苦恼,我驾车载室友们一起去那个‘派对’.. (我穿baju kurung哦… muahahahha~) 刚好我们找到一个蛮好的位子(就在projector 荧幕后,可是离舞台满远的)… 在大人物到达时,荧幕上直接放出他们步入贵宾席的画面,所以我就… *snap snap* 无聊的时刻到来了>>> *UCAPAN* 所以,更捣蛋的时候来了… *snap* *snap* *snap* (hehe~~~ 卡瓦伊哦…) p/s:这位是我大学的Naib Cansellor.. -_________-“ 这位是玻璃市的州务大臣… -_________-“

I salute to you, KB cityplannerSSSS

ARGHHH!!! I salute them kao-kao ah!!!!!!!!!! >. I sent my mum to Jalan Hamzah’s bus station, driving, on a Saturday (where cuti raya almost reach its end). 9.30 pm bus, and we went out from house at 8.30 ( darn bloody early ), and luckily we made a wise choice.. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took us 25 minutes from the traffic light before the wakaf bharu bridge to Shell petrol station nearby( about 100m ahead )!!!! =________________= Who suggested to robohkan the roundabout!? Who suggested to build Tesco at that ‘GOOD’ feng shui place!? And who the hell proposed to build Giant at the core of the bloody hell crowded town!? Since when KB got so many cars one!?!? -______-" PLss... never ask me to drive in KB edi(except night-time larr)... I rather be the chulu rempit girl... >.

*The HALLMARK Channel*

Watched last night on the Hallmark channel. I never expect that this kind of movie will be shown on that channel, as it is about a ‘haunting’ event.. Ever since my parents decided to subscribe Astro (ofcoz that time almost all of us were away from hometown studying out there.. Duhh~~ >. and when I first started watching my first movie on the Hallmark, I love the channel so much~ You wont get a chance to watch , , etc etc those hardcore movies on Hallmark, or perhaps not even a glance of Halle Barry, Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, etc etc those famous artists on this channel either.. I remembered the most touching story that I ever watched on the channel . This story is about a woman (a wife and a mother) who suffered from a fatal sickness with no treatment to cure and minor chance of survival. I watched it twice and it made me cry.. >. Well, undeniable, sometimes the stories on the Hallmark are kinda boring, but most of the stories take out a lot of moral lessons for the penonton to...


Yay!! 回到家了!! *爽爽* 可是这次的路程好累哦.. 天啊~ 可是算了吧! 反正到家了.. *救命啊* 通常,拉亚期间,鞭炮声是不会断的.. 这里,也是一样.. 我的家这边,更是一样.. 因为我家的住宅区后面都是马来人的家.. 所以,可想而知,* 枰枰棒棒* 到处都是~~ 总是在想,狗狗的前世是不是‘年’呢?为什么狗狗都是怕鞭炮声的呢? (至少,我从小到大接触过的狗狗都怕).. So~~~ 跟以往一样,只要听到鞭炮声,我家的林狗狗自然会跑回家,趴在家铁门痛哭,希望我们网开一面可以让她避难~~ 而且,也跟往常一样,只要我有在,她就更嚣张了.. 你看,每次回来就是酱了!!) ... ... ... ... ... ...我也不想的嘛... ... ...

*makan makan*

On friday night, our maths class's friends invited us for a dinner (or precisely, sahur lo, coz 10pm leh~~) near jeti kuala perlis, coz we helped them in solving the questions of the quizes and tests along the sem.. shun bian, it's bcoz of my b-day oso la.. My housemate aka coursemate Dayah handle the menu-ordering duty, so she ordered 5 dishes: tomyam soup, vege, telur dadar, sotong goleng and siakap! Then they planned a surprise for me =) ,& actually it's not a surprise liao, coz one fella pecah tembelang first b4 we went to makan, then funnier thing happened, they planned to take the cake to the table without my notice, manatau, i turned around and saw pak an bringing a big plastic bag with a 'box' inside there... *Oh Owh..* ... ... ... OK OK, i din see anything.. Nadia came over to cover line, and cover my eyes too.. HAHA!! Anyway, guys, tankiu tankiu!!! 我希望世界和平.. *puhhhh* We ordered 2 fishes, as u can see from the picture above.. My table's fis...


好一个23岁的生日.. 又长大的.. OoOOh~ 更正确的说法:又长老了 :p Since my dear BaNaNa-girl JuJu don't understand mandarin, so this post is specially dedicated to her, english version .. huhu~ yay~ i had a blissful + peace + sour BirdDay.. i get aLot of B'Day blessing from LYN's dearest buddies.. thanks to the BD thread which opened by TongYam, i get few more wishes from some *perfect-stranger* forumers.. plus for those dearest friends, Yin jie (sa yee bo a siong nih??) , Chen, Mummy who dedicated the wishes via sms, calls and friendster's messages, thanks thanks thanks~ Last year's birthday, i got 2 small cakes from a friend & another bigger cake from Chin, Qing & saimatkong.. This year>>> I got 3!! hehe~ & thanks so much for the Pizza Hut treat from LuMun aka LuMin aka LongKhong ( gosh, now onli i know about her nicks :p ), KarLin, PeiSia & JuJu.. =) too bad la, had a upset stomach, so I couldn’t stuffed a lot of food inside me.. >. Cant really believ...

*happy birthday*

*生日快乐 我对自己说* =) yay~ 23 edi~~ alamak! old one more year liao.. >.