
Showing posts from October, 2010


上个星期,老板下了指示,在他离我们而去 (去朝圣啦~) 的当儿,我们得帮忙改小学弟小学妹的assignments. 他倒也没给个限期,只是放下句狠话 “你们要慢慢改也可以的,只是两个星期后又会有新的要改罢了嘛,看你们应付得来没有咯...” ... 好一句典型的老板话... 就在这种‘紧要关头’,我才发现到,原来我超级热爱安静的环境. 当然,每个人都喜欢安静的时刻. 有些人可以在吵闹的环境中工作; 有些人一静下来就做不了东西; 有些人就只喜欢吵吵闹闹,压根不想做东西。 偏偏我这个死脑筋,做事向来都要看自己的东北风。 风来得正巧嘛做起事来特别起劲; 风不太对劲嘛速度就慢得要命; 狂风暴雨时嘛鬼神都不敢靠近... 话说回来,我们的研究室本来就属于‘严重拥挤’的状况。几个青春洋溢的少女青年和数位大哥大姐,分成两边来坐。 就在这人潮里,有几位‘重量级’人物的嗓门都像装了大声公一样响亮宏伟,再加上时不时会有三两个小客人到访,天生就好像没懂过如何调声量,说话时深怕隔两栋楼的朋友没听到他们说的故事似的,说话几乎都用喊的了。还真不知道他们是如何保养如此洪亮的嗓门。 平常再怎么吵也就算了,偏偏就要在这水深火热之时就来闲话家常,huuuiyoooh.... 也还好他们都是在 那 一边吵,坐在 这 一边的我虽然也遭殃,也没比坐在 那 一边的朋友惨。 所以有时候,我挺喜欢一个人呆在研究室。虽然有时会安静得有点诡异,我很享受这种安宁的时刻。至少我可以很自在地做我爱做的事情而不用担心有人往我的电脑银幕盯 (也不见得人家有兴趣看,可能只是我想太多了) 在加央家里,我也享受了绝对的宁静。 房东aunty在几个星期前去了新加坡,另一个帅哥housemate每次都不回来,所以具体上,我一个人拥有了整间家。 房门打开,电脑声量开得不怕被人骂的程度,没有穿bra (有穿衣!) 在家里乱乱走。爽! 只是有时候邻居aunty会跑过来跟我串门儿,我们还试过讲1个小时的电话(虽然我们就隔一间家)... 但,最近,我觉得家里太静了。少了房东aunty的福建连续剧 而且Astro smart card竟然inactive!害我也没得看 :( , 少了个人在家, 我连晚上睡觉都要在房间里开个小灯才敢睡觉... 也不知道为什么,最近老爱想有的没的,害自己的心里都毛毛的... 好,开始扯远了... 总之,除了怨别人吵,我也很...

Langkawi (081010-091010) - Thoughts

I've never had this kind of deep-into-the-heart feeling before whenever I went for a trip. There's few things happened within the island hopping event that leave me feeling really down. 1. Friends proclaim me a darn brave heroine, as if nothing can scare me off. This statement was literally proven when I was robbed in SS2, and now this. Sometimes ago, I was told the monkeys in Pulau Dayang Bunting are dangerous, not in the sense of physically assault human, but rather snatch bags for food and stuffs. ^The main point of their behavior is they are not scared of human. 7 girls were on the same boat for the event. Before we leaving the boat to the island, the brother of the boat advised the girls at least 3 times about the monkeys' behavior as the girls brought along a lot of food. Yet, as the girls planned to go for a swim, they carried along their bags of clothes and stuffs. The worse part was, they were using the recycle cloth bags rather than a backpack or bags that look n...

Langkawi (081010 - 091010)

It's my second trip in this year, and about the fifth or sixth overall, but it's the very first time for the girls. Plus, it's also the fastest trip deal I've made ever. Decision made within 5 minutes, 2 hours later, I was at the jetty waiting for the ferry already. Being the lao da jie and the only one in the group who been to the island few times, I was assigned to be the tour guide, driver, nanny etc etc. It was rather a rushing trip, since we had a night and another day in the island, not to mention almost half of the day needed to be spared for the island hopping tour. So I was like a mother chicken chasing her baby chicks around the places to chase the time, hope the girls didn't hate me at the end of the day. It was pretty late when we arrived Langkawi. Since everyone was hungry to the max, we had our first meal in Langkawi at a chinese restaurant in Kuah town. ^They served very nice dua bui mee aka hokkien mee!! It's quite surprising to find that this ...

Movie/Drama I watched

1. Wedding Dress 婚纱 好可恶的一部电影!! 还我哭到五颜六色的!!! -____- 这个电影讲述一位身患绝症,即将离开人世的母亲,在生命在倒数中为女儿设计了一件举世无双的婚纱,给女儿留下了很棒的遗产。 故事里并没有详细地交待那位母亲是身患什么病,就只是有几幕母亲无力晕倒,再来医生宣判病情严重等等,很典型的绝症悲情故事。而且,关于那件婚纱嘛,也没得到什么特别的专注力,可是它默默地在某些特别感伤的画面上,显得特别有味道。尤其在晓璐说不要妈妈死,和妈妈一起拥抱时,让我哭到欲罢不能啊~~~ 话说两位主角,我也只是看过她们各自的一个作品。在《On Air》里看到了演技超赞的宋允儿 (说到On Air,我又想起了朴龙河。你为何那么傻呀~~~) ,很喜欢她在那套连续剧里的角色。 金香气小妹妹呢是从《人狗奇缘》里认识的。虽然她在那部电影里并不长命,可是就单单在前面那几十分钟里足够让人印象深刻了。 当然,也少不了配角们的点缀。外刚内柔的哥哥,贤慧善良的嫂子(她是Kim Tak-Gu的妈妈!!),现实的姐姐,毛糙懵懂的跤拳小子,豪迈的老板姐姐... ... 推荐噢~~ This is a movie about a seriously ill mother preparing a wedding dress for her young daughter before her death, and so the story resolves around the life of the mother/daughter and their close relatives. Thanks to the experienced group of casts, they earned gallons and gallons of my tears. In the movie, it doesn't exactly inform what kind of fatal disease is the mother suffering from, and the process of making the wedding dress is just a partial and partial of scenes in the whole movie, but the idea...

Happy Birthday Blog Owner (cont.)

I get a lunch treat from Su Natasha! Love love ^^ That girl was just arriving Perlis on Monday morning after a trip to Kuantan. We had our lunch at Anjung Keli, a 'kinda' famous restaurant in Kangar with pricey meals. We chatted like there's no tomorrow, shared some stories and the time passed without we realising it. She even managed to write a blog post for me . Touched! :) At night, I had another meal gathering with juniors at Secret Recipe. I played a big role in brainwashing them. Haha!! ^Chocolate Strawberry! ^The cakes! ^with Jen Shin :) ^With Wan Zheng :) It's pretty tiring, I guess, to take pictures with me because I just don't like to take a stereotype pictures. Haha! Plus, with so many thick chocolates on the cake, it's pretty much impossible for me NOT to do my usual crazy stuff - the granny teeth. The girls literally resented it. Talking about ruining own image huh~ :p ^Wan Zheng's Veggie Soba. It's quite oily but the smell and taste is nic...

Happy Birthday Blog Owner

Luckily the handsome housemate came back the night before, or else it's kinda creepy to stay home alone. The day began normally. I woke up at 7.47am (exactly), getting ready, and off I went to research cluster. I settled down, prepared breakfast, set up laptop, and began my usual breakfast drama meal. Replied the birthday wish sms. The internet connection was suck. When the drama (was watching Castle season 2 episode 13) was about 10 minutes more to finish, a MSc buddy came over to sort of complain about the allowance forms we suppose to submit by today, but our supervisor was so late to give us any response. Then, things got a little tension. We rushed here and there to settle the matter, only to find out that mine was no problem at all, but their problem was all over the place which to say that I AM a damn good liar. Haha!! After everything was in place, it was noon. I went back home to grab some stuff and met the handsome housemate again. *blush* After lunch, went back to rese...