
Showing posts from August, 2011

Cocozbelly Dance Night 2011

After weeks and months of practicing and rehearsing and frustrating (not me), the night has come finally. The venue of the dinner was at Khoon Aik hall. It was a full house, about 30 tables overall. We headed there in the noon to have a final rehearsal, position arrangements and stuffs. All performance would be done on the floor, which means the same level as the seats, so we needed to adjust and readjust our position so that it won't seems too blank, too near, too far etc... Had my hairdo at an in-house saloon (which was a little overpriced since all she did was curling up my hair with some sprays) and makeup done by our dancemate Lee Ching. Luckily for us, our table was right next to the dance floor, so we could watch the show conveniently. Unfortunately, since the dinner's arrangements went haywire, we had to be prepared and standby most of the time. Anyway, fortunately for me, I had my usual appetite :) It's around 30 dances overall, including the solo dance b...

Generation Gap

This post was inspired by the FB comment on my friend's wall. She talked about the conversation of a bunch of 4 year-olds' (she mentioned some are not even 4), which are all about iPad, iPhone, apps and stuffs. Slowpoke me, again, I started to watch CSI NY Season 7 (just started... -_-) episode 2 tonight, and it's about a murder witnessed by Adam from a chatting network, and it's truly internet savvy episode. I notice the significant generation gap from the kids in this generation and what we've been through 10, 20 years ago. I was still using a bunch of 3.5" floppy disk during my Diploma time, and it's just 6 years ago~ Look at now, iPad, iPhone, high-performance laptop, and the lists go on. I had a chat with housemate about this topic, and he said that's how the world evolve, and imagine what would it be 30-40 years later? We might end up lose track to the new technology then. Sigh~ Well, I pray for world peace. :) Pathetically, I don...

Steamboat + Badminton Match vs Paper

Yesterday we had a tiny steamboat gathering at the restaurant near my old neighborhood. It's some sort of pre-farewell dinner for the MSc students who are submitting their thesis already. The food was okay, ate a lot of grilled/fried fillet as the beef and chicken slices were a little too meaty and hard. Stuffed myself with a lot of veggie, fishballs, white and black fungus, mushrooms and other things too. I was so full until the throat! Slowpoke me, I wasn't aware at all that there's World Badminton Championship going on until I saw some posts on FB news feed about the live thingy, and the night was the final matches of all categories, and of course, our dearly Dato Lee Chong Wei was playing against his all-time rival Lin Dan. It's been a while since I last watched a badminton match with a group of friends/people, and it's really fun. The restaurant was full of people, squeezing their eyes to get a better look at the 32" TV. We sat at the most behind and...

Things I've Been Up To

1) Room/House Shifting Moved to a new room/house end of July. I now share a house with two PhD and one MSc students. It's a double-storey terrace house which the owner renovated into two units, upstairs and downstairs, so he can rent out two houses separately. Clever huh~ I'm staying at the upstairs unit. Although it's a different 'house', it's still an upstairs for a house, so we kinda have to find our way to arrange our stuffs: kitchens, laundries, toiletries etc. Since we have not use up the space at the 'default' living area, the space is quite vast and we can practice our dance there! :) The floor is nicer, the in-house air circulation is better. Just nice... 2) Second phase house shifting While er jie is going to New Zealand for her WHV (Working Holiday Visa) experience, the house she's previously staying at SS2 (which I used to be the tenant too) will end its rental period end of the month. Since she's not around, us the yo...

I Want to Rant

Too much work to do, too much due date to meet, and procrastination-ness overload (obvious constant poison from ) The PhD evaluation is coming closer and closer, in fact, it's almost around the corner - This October!! So, my boss has been pushing me to produce more and more on the conference/journal paper to ensure the ticket to PhD is more secure. (summore I already got the scholarship, die die also need to pass the evaluation, or else I'll really dead) The thing is, thanks to his trust on me, I am 'honored' a few posts here and there. And, he's not just nominate me, he chose me. -__- Therefore, besides doing my own research stuff, I have some other business to take care of, which occupies about 1/3 of my time. Plus, my results aren't convincing enough, so the paper production delay goes to nearly infinity. Yeah, my time management skill sucks too. Generally, my boss forgets about the positions he bestowed upon me, and I ...


想知道怎样让自己感觉变老了? 1) 问问自己:“ 十年前你在做什么? ” 这是跟吾娘偶然聊天时挑起的话题。提到这个问题,想了一下... ... !? 十年前令周麻是中五生啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~ 好啦跟那些比我senior的人比,我当然算是小儿科。可是,十年前是Form 5这件事让我真的感觉到,原来我离穿校服的日子是这么地遥远了~~~~ (脑袋放空-ing...) 2) 运动 这个月尾,我参加的舞蹈班要搞一个舞蹈晚会,我加入了一个肚皮舞的舞队 (放任地笑吧你们...) 。 后来跟新housemate突发奇想地要加个Hip Hop舞,我们仨可说是雀跃万分。这段时间都在排舞 (我的housemate真了得,大部分舞步都是她choreograph的噢~) 兼练舞,体力不支不在话下,连记忆力也没以前好了。要反复练习再练习,练习又练习地才把那3~4个8记下来。 而且,还要跳得美又好看咧~~~~ 俗话说:“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,我应该算是千年功吧 -___- 3) “小孩子是不会懂的” 我有这么一个远亲小表妹 (她是我外婆的弟弟的外孙女,人住在KL,够远吧),上次和她一家人参加我表哥的婚礼,所以‘还好地’熟络了一下下。 后来,她FB Friend Request我,我Confirm,一大蠢事啊... 三不五时地跟我 "Hi" 个没完 (这种热情打招呼对我这种老人来说有点懒得理,朋友除外) ,接着问“你好吗”... 有时心情好点会搭理个一两下,遇到不想有交际的一天时会干脆把FB关掉 (毕竟老是FB也很显) 就在前几天,她又来了。看在我已经把‘正经事宜’的文件等都关了,等着时间落跑,就发泄时间性地回了她一下。以下是我们的谈话: 她:“你好吗?” 我:“不是很好” “????” “小孩子是不会懂的” “讲啦...” “真的要我讲?” “拜托” “... ...我的paper还没写, 还没做claim,找不到sponsorship...” “... 喔 ” “ :) 好啦,我要走了,再见” “再见” 我不想欺负小孩子的,可是,现在的小孩子还真是不识相。 身为一个小孩子是不该问一个大人/老人为什么他们的人生“不是很好”,因为你们是不会 他娘的 明白的....你鸡到吗... 也因为那句话,我感觉到,自己真的年长了啊啊啊啊啊~~~ 话说,我的‘激烈’反应也没把她...

Mei Guo Ying Xiong

Watched Captain America , and stayed until the credit finished rolling to watch the trailer for "The Avengers" thanks to Lim Tino's advice. More super heroes are joining Captain America, but I can only recognize IronMan and Thor (always pronounce the name Thor in hokkien which means something like 'damn') . It's a nice movie. I must say Chris Evans is HOT ! Am impressive with his 眼神 and stuffs when he was a 'little guy'. I love his little guy figure too because he looks so cute! Tommy Lee Jones caught my eyes too, playing the strict, lenient and indifferent sergeant. The 3D effect and action packed plot were amazing. Enjoyed the movie, enjoyed the character, and enjoyed the night. A little downside though: 1. Hugo Weaving is great too, but his Red Skull nose kept on reminding me of MJ's and Voldemort's nose... 2. The armies of Red Skull's who have the state-of-the-art weapon really need to work up their shooting skill. I was shocked when I ...