
Showing posts from March, 2015

Cycling in Post-Harvest Season

This happened way before CNY, in the early of the year. I went out for a relaxing ride on that Sunday, which so happened to bump into a pakcik  who plays badminton on the same session as I do. We exchanged Hi's and he was surprised to see (and eventually recognize) me LOL. The rainy season is over, and here comes the spring season where sun begins to get very big, hot and sunny, and it's the post harvest season. It isn't a great time to cycle during this post-harvest season as the color is not attractive at all. Its either dull yellow (dead crops), brown (dried plots) and/or, worst, black (burnt fields). Plus the bad air!! The fastest way to get rid of all the unwanted crops and prepare the field for a new planting season is to burn the field, acres and acres of them. It is one of the disastrous season to come by with but too bad, so far there's no any other 'economical' way of solving this problems. Agricultural and environmental folks, good luck!! ...


时间过得真快,都已经正月十九了呀!! 今年的农历新年我过得朴素简单又宁静。 在马六甲度过了两天一夜甜蜜情人节,也不算宁静因为人山人海到处都是人,该吃的都有吃就对了。 正月初一到婆婆家拜年,也在这里过了一夜。事隔多年哪~~最后一次在这里过夜少说都有十年了。 在树林里祖屋过夜是一大享受。前一晚我们仨卧在一起看Gone Girl,清晨起来都是晨风吹袭,很是舒服。 既然都在这里了,当然要去河边走走咯。十二月大水灾,这里也不例外。以下两张照片,那个时候都是满满的水。。。 你看,水淹到这么高啊~~ 而且屋子离河水有500米之距离呀~~ 至少三寸的干泥巴等待着被清理 接着都是简单的探望亲戚。大多数家里都遭水灾侵袭,脚下踏着的都是细细松松的细小泥沙,话说被水灾淹过的屋子,最难清除掉的就是这些泥啊,它们真是无孔不入 =( 新年,当然就是见朋友喝茶吃饭叙旧咯! 新年前第一轮见面: 少不了车上wefie 到新开的The Bold Lab喝晚餐前茶 晚餐在Chiang Mai, Wakaf Bharu!! 超赞! Wau Kopitiam Ozarra  可看到的,有一班人马都是重复出现的,你现在知道我的朋友圈子多大了吧哈哈! 每一年都可以在敏欣那里吃到好料。她俩公婆煮了个丰盛晚餐,好有口福! 正月初五,宝贝宏到KB来 day trip。和倩仪到河边的Bike Station喝茶聊天,敏欣家也做了好料! Sardin puff yum yum!  基本上,这个新年和往年新年都没什么两样,我要的也就这样,我高兴就好!! =)