Photo-post ^^
This post is about pictures! Lots and lots of pictures!!
1. Xin Jiang students aka semi-friends (coz I not sure should I categorize them into my friends' list :hmm:)
This is 孙迪 Sun Di
But he looks like Benjamin Low Lai Hing my ex service manager
Us with HaerBaerSi ^^
Yup, this is his real name, exclude his surname yet
Oh! btw, he gave us girls this ^^
Us with Ma Yuan, JuJu's all time fav
Nee's eyes closed! NOOB!
I don't know his name =.=
But he's cute! ^^
I don's know his name either =.=
But he's cute too! ^^
Mary and Nee
He asked us to call him Mary
Group photos!
The girl who makes heart shape with me is Li Tong
She's very cute
Lawatan to Hospital Kangar
Compulsory to wear lab coat
Jamuan buka puasa at Dewan Kapitol
We kata sepakat to wear baju kurung