
Showing posts from November, 2012


心情好沉重...尤其在这长命雨的下午... 这部电影也是少数让我看到一半就有股很强烈的冲动要写blog的电影。 整个故事下来,除了对残酷的战争,丑陋的人性感到非常激昂愤怒之余 (尤其在参观了柬埔寨赤棉时期的监狱和越南战争博物馆后) ,最让我纳闷不已的是那些青楼女子,要我specific一点的话,就是对豆蔻,香兰和小蚊子的行为不解。 故事走到中间,豆蔻和香兰为了琵琶弦和耳坠冒死溜出教堂。我本以为豆蔻把大衣丢掉引开士兵能逃过一劫,结果竟然把琵琶弦给丢了!!!最后惨死 :( 再来是在那些女学生唱歌时,小蚊子为了一只猫从地窟走出去,竟然还要搞出出现在日本兵前的一幕!!为了这两件事,我简直是在翻白眼捶胸心痛啊~ 这一些,对其他人而言,可能会觉得我太小题大作,又或者是直接把主题搞错了吧?这是因为,不久前,有友人说过我的机智反应很好 ,所以在这,我想说的不是战争的时候我们什么都不要管,而是既然你身处于混乱之中还是有些你舍弃不了的东西 (比如说豆蔻想为埔生弹奏曲子而决定回去翠禧楼拿琵琶弦;香兰拿耳环;小蚊子找猫咪) ,你是不是应该更机灵一点呢? 琵琶弦直接塞进内衣里,猫咪直接塞进衣服里抱着,不就好了吗?你会说,我凭什么说这教;我这是以几年前曾经被parang刀指着打抢我的经验来讲的... 故事到后面,当十三钗决定代替女学生‘出演’后所作的准备功夫,我很感动;可是看到小蚊子在头在尾都在哭喊着不要去的时候,我忍不住大喊:“还不是你自己害自己的!?不然哪来十三!?乔治也用不着这么做!!!” :(

Vietnam trip: Post Travel Syndrome (PTS)

Glad to say, I do not have very strong and heavy holiday mood ever since I got back from Vietnam, yet the trip was aaaaawesome! There's a long story to write about the trip, please tune in for more... (I even jotted down notes along the trip just in case I forgot to mention it in my blog) Anyway, something strikes that pulled me down to hell. Yesterday, day after I left my sisters' place, their house was broke in, the JILAKAT thieves entered two upstairs' rooms (my sis' room is one of it), took away the laptop, camera, foreign currencies and some other valuables. Sis said the most heartache part is they took away the thing that is not valuable in money but priceless and hen you ji nian jia zhi :( Curse those bastards!!!! I seriously can't imagine if my laptop is stolen. All my phd stuffs is in here!! *back up back up*

Glee Season 3

Honestly, I was 'THIS' close to skip (or even delete) the whole season without watching it, because, after "Once Upon A Time" and "Person of Interest", Glee seems to be less serious and less interesting... LUCKILY I did not do that!!! OMiGosh What was I thinking!? Although this is seriously slowpoke (season 4 is running), I still wanna talk about it. Season 3 is mainly about the Senior Year students, winning Nationals, and Rachel with her NYADA application thingy. Here's what I think about season 3: 1) The guests are hot!!! Ricky Martin, Matt Bomer (OMG he can sing!!!), Whoopi Goldberg, Gloria Estefan!! 2) Hate is a strong word, but New Directions are better off without Rachel!! Everyone shines in Sectionals... 3) McTina Cohen Chang-Chang - my favourite couple!! Heard they break up in season 4 :( One down, ten to go... Bones S07, Chaos, CSI NY S08, CSI S12, House of Lies, House S08, Sherlock, The Good Wife S03, The Mentalist S04, The Newsr...

The Matrix: Then and Now

The other day, TV2 was showing 1999's 'The Matrix'. Back then, Keanu Reeves looked so OMiGosh-ly 嫩/tender! LOL... The movie still makes me confused though. I'm not really sure why I was quite into this movie back then, I think might because of all those cool stunts (dodge bullet, stuff like that), but I'm pretty sure my English level was no where near proficient, so I didn't understand a word Morpheus is saying. Even now, when Morpheus was explaining 'The Matrix' to Neo, my jaw dropped, blank stare, with a loud 'HUH'. It got so confused!! LOL ************** Watched 'Skyfall' yesterday. My POV: 1) Never send a rookie to a field job (Or is she a rookie? If she's not then MI6 is so screwed!!) 2) Agents are the legalized/authorized vandals See what both of them did to Turkey just to chase after one bad guy... 3) I thought the movie ended after 007 'skyfalled' from the train, like 10 minutes into the show, because of...

Hometown Stuff

 Balik-ed Kampung last weekend for my godson Loke's birthday*, and some other stuff. *Loke's grandparents and aunties (who I am close with too) were surprised I showed up, so give face~ His mother has been asking me about it two months ago, how can I not give face leh!? As usual, dad came over to accompany back. During our way back, check this out! Look!!!  That poor fella was stuck at the wiper!! I was bored when I noticed something flapping on the windshield, and I took a close look at it - it's a butterfly!!! Since we were on the hilly road, there's no way we gonna stop to release it; at that point I thought it's dead! Oh hell no, it was so much alive when we stopped for fuel refill, I was so scared of releasing it because it flapped its wings! Ewww~ Finally it freed itself and flew away~ Frustrated stuff : If any of you is kind enough to take note of my FB status, you would know that I've been in deep shit frustration about my 3G mo dem + wi ...


这趟回家是为了小宝贝干儿子林沅乐的一岁生日派对。毕竟他娘早在几个月前就跟我说了,还不出席的话真的是找死啊~~~ As usual,咱爹又千里迢迢地去加央陪我驾车回家。我当然可以骗他说我是有伴陪我回酱他就甭山长水远跑来 ,又不是没骗过,可是....算了懒得解释。就当我是Daddy's girl吧~ 回家路上,看到这个!! 让我尖叫一番!  竟然有只蝴蝶卡在我的wiper中...当我以为它已经被强风憋得毙命,车停下来添油时我尝试‘移动’它,翅膀还动着!!有一轮尖叫...   悲: 回去四五天,我就花了四五天弄我那些天杀的网络咚咚。 Subscribe了个broadband配套,买了个TP Link MR3040 3G Wireless Router。 说来奇妙,那些 咚咚,虽然在加央时操作也不见得很好,可是一回到家,什么都不能用 !!连电话要用家里的无限上网都上不到!!! 那几天,我坐着的那个角落堆积着千斤重的 叹气和怨恨声... 作么会酱咧!? FYI: 终于 在今天(3/11/2012)解决了问题 !!! 其实只是改了个transmission mode的setting ,因为 Noob如我不知道B,G,N是什么东西,选了 BGN mixed ,结果就不了了之了... 喜 一 : 主角登场!  p/s:我没拍到什么照片,因为大多数是她们的亲戚 ,我不认识,害羞~~~ 生日派对办在星期五他们家。主人准备了好多东西啊!!   话说那粒蛋糕花了父母不少钱呢~~ 一岁的林沅乐 , 会爬, 已经可以原地站起来,还不敢走路 ,很爱爬楼梯!! 我这干娘做得实在很敷衍,找不到什么适当的礼物,惟有包个小红包祝他快高长大! 那戴着手表的手是我滴 ^^ 喜二: 莫过于吾家小女皇黄智菱咯~~~   话说这位小肥虽然只有四个月 要进 五个月大,可是她的体型可不是那回事啊~ 这位小肥已经接近超重边缘了!! 虽然大个子娃娃抱起来比较不怕会折断她的小手小脚,可是也因为她大个子,抱没两下就肌肉酸痛了啊~~~而且她还不会坐,基本上这个大娃娃就只能躺着或翻身一下子...整个小麻烦一个~~ p/s:吾娘也说,现在她比较情愿照顾奶奶,至少可以把奶奶放在家...