
Showing posts from 2018

Wang Gunung, Sungai Batu Pahat, Perlis

Phew~ Now that I've finished all my thesis shenanigans and ready to submit for viva, let's get started with the overdue blog posts!! A very super awesome hike!! Distance: 9.5km Moving time: 3 hours Elevation: 500m Verdict: One of the toughest hikes I've been to, and I haven't been to that many hikes LOL. It is tough and challenging but doable, the view is definitely to die for. I would really LOVE to visit again. A little info about Wang Gunung: It is located at Sungai Batu Pahat, for those who familiar, its entrance is nearby the Taman Ular the golf club area. A permit is necessary, do take note of that. The permit can be obtained at Perlis Forestry Department for RM5/person. The hike actually criss and cross on the Malaysia-Thailand border, which is very interesting to me. It is considered challenging and tough, some trails require very steep climb with rope (not technical), so glove and a pair of good gripping shoes are highly recommended. More info from...

Jajaran Telipon aka Bukit Tok Dun, Perlis/Kedah Border

Started hiking again woohoo! This time, after coming to Perlis for soooo long, finally had the chance to explore Perlis' hills!! One at a time!

Series Review: Person of Interest

Let me start with this statement: 'BEST SHOW EVER' Period. Harold Finch: "Sooner or later both of us will probably wind up dead. Actually dead this time. I said I'd tell you the truth. Didn't say you'd like it." (Pilot, S01E01) Person of Interest (POI) ended in 2016, 5 seasons, 103 episodes. This is a long overdue post, I've been keeping this draft for 2 years now, finally the time to publish it lol. POI is a show about a super computer, a ASI (artificial super intelligence), that assisted a geeky billionaire Harold Finch and the ex-army super macho dude John Reese helping people and catching bad guys. Started off as a 'concerned third party', because the computer only gives them social security number, they don't know if that person is a victim or perpetrator, so they would often follow and track down that particular person (one or few persons each episode), jump right in when the person is in trouble and sa...


It was a rough break up for me. Nothing ugly but it hurts me so much. Pains me a lot. At the beginning, I cried myself to sleep. People asked me to stop looking at the pictures, stop reading the blogs, stop checking him online. Easier said than done. I see friends feel helpless seeing me so down. I can't even imagine how my mom feel when she sees me crying. I am a cry baby, but I've never cried in front of her because of some guy. I was as cool as a rock when it comes to talking about the end of a relationship. But not this time. I intentionally frequently upload my pictures on Instagram and Facebook. Just to let him see what he has missed out. What he has given up on. I am your goddess, am I not? Now, It has become 'I was your goddess'. I thought I will feel better, but I am not. I am just tricking myself into believing this is how I'm gonna feel better. At the end of the day, I feel lonely, empty and void. I used to be so scared of updating my ...

2D1N Kuala Terengganu Weekend Getaway

Had a short trip over the weekend with my buddies at Kuala Terengganu, about 150+- km away from my hometown, Kota Bharu, 3 hours driving distance. FY took the bus from Perlis to KB, arriving at 4.30am, and we both drove to KT at the ungodly hour early in the morning. There's very very few cars, some roads don't even have lamps that was pretty horrifying, and we arrived safely at Seok's house 3 hours later. Seok is a lecturer at Unisza, she owns a house in KT, comfy, spacious and minimalist, so her place is our accommodation. Thanks to her too, we don't have to plan anything, just let her bring us around woohoo!

两天一夜 瓜拉登嘉楼 游记

好久没写游记咯,来更新这个没落的部落格一下。 上个周末去了一趟瓜拉登嘉楼,跟两个闺蜜一起深度游。 瓜拉登嘉楼距离哥打巴鲁大概 150km+- 三个小时的路程。 闺蜜一号 云 从玻璃市坐巴士来吉兰丹,然后我俩相伴 早上五点 驾车前往瓜拉登嘉楼。 七早八早的,路上没什么车,有几段路甚至是没有路灯的,有点小可怕。 所幸,三个小时后没惊无险地抵达闺蜜二号 霞 的家。 霞在瓜拉登嘉楼的一间叫 Unisza 的大学当教授,她在那里买了一间家,很舒适,也解决了落脚的问题。 也多亏了她这位地头蛇,我们可以轻轻松松毫无计划地被她载着到处游。


每次分手都要写点东西做纪念啊哈哈 是有什么好记录的呢 四年多。一千五百六百多天。 虽然是远距离没有常呆在一起,聚在一起的时候的回忆却都是美好的。 四年哪。 去意已决,我还能怎样。 说不爱就不爱了,我有可奈何。 爱真的像泡沫啊。 心真的像遥控器啊。 昨天一路看着他,突然感觉他好陌生啊。 这个他真的是他吗。 已经不哭了。 已经哭不出来了。 与其说心痛,还不如说心缺了一角。 就好象被一把利刀不见血地划了一下。 我这是什么桃花运啊。 要去冲个花凉了。 又要放手往前走了。 祝福我吧。