Festive Season & Traffic

Last minute decision to go back KB because Jasmine was going back too! Haven't see the BFF-of-my-life for 2 years...

Since it's a last minute decision, and it's not 'my' festive celebration, I drove back on the first day of Raya, along with dad (yes, he came to Perlis and we went back together. 不孝女) and M&M.

Although the road is clear of traffic (especially zero lorry on the Grik road!! *joy to the world*), the 'outsiders' cars drive us nuts! I have been experiencing that a week before Raya in Perlis, and now all the way back to KB!!

During times like this, people rushing in their hometown from all over the places - the 'balik kampung' spirit, so there's a lot of 'outstation' car plates to be spotted. AND, the nightmare is, they seem to be NOT back to their kampung for some time, they OBVIOUSLY don't know the way.

Not sure which junctions to take, don't know which lorong to go into, clueless of which way to go.

Drive me nuts!

One thing I don't understand is that, how can they not afford a GPS when they are driving a Grand Livina, Stream, Accord and all those huge ass fancy luxury cars! Just get a freaking GPS lah~

Anyway, after 7-8 hours of miserable driving, my heart melts instantaneously when seeing Shir-'B'-Lyn :)


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