This one, it is all about stories. Mine and my sister's. *** *** (1) 2007, I was working at Section 19 PJ, and I stayed with my second sister and her colleagues in SS2 PJ. On 2nd April 2007, Monday, I had my usual Monday night badminton at SRGC, and we decided to have an 'unusual' supper afterwards - unusual as we never had supper after badminton after we shifted to this court to play. So, I was back home a little later than usual. Back then, we had a dog named Holiday. I got home, drove my car into the house, DID NOT close the gate first, instead, filling up the dog's water bowl. Suddenly a car stopped in front of the gate, a guy came down, holding a parang, intended to rob me. My mind went wild, my badminton bag along with my purse and newly-collected badminton funds around RM400 was in the car's back boot, my house was pitch dark as well as the neighbors, and I decided to... shout. Fortunately, the thief was allegedly the first timer, he panicked, ask...