
Showing posts from May, 2014

郊游去:Riverside, Janda Baik

和宏的‘游’友们相约到离吉隆坡市很近的 Janda Baik 郊游野餐去。 Oh shit 我忘了唱郊游歌!! 就是那首啊... ... “走 走 走走走 我们小手拉小手 走 走 走走走 一同去郊游 白云悠悠 阳光柔和 青山绿水 一片锦绣” 众人表示:没有很想听,请收声  -_- Janda Baik,或 Good Widow,或‘好寡妇’ 离吉隆坡市45km,半至一个小时的车程,很适合城市人暂别繁华都市拥抱大自然的好去处。

KL Weekend Getaway: Riverside, Janda Baik

Hon, me, drag-along Shien and friends went to Riverside , Janda Baik for picnic and water dipping. Janda Baik, or 'good widow', is only less than an hour drive from KL, so it is an ideal outdoorsy spot for the city people. One guy Yee Song prepared seafood, another guy Alex prepared 'others', dearie Hon prepared utensils. He got those trusty disposable BBQ sets, not environmental-friendly but makes our life easier.

Updates on Kayap (ver. 2)

Update again: Last Friday, I went to the hospital with Lee Jynn to donate blood. It was her first time and she was sooooooo nervous. You know the drill if you ever been to a blood donation. After filling up the form, "check point 1" step up the weighing scale, get a pinch on your finger to obtain few drops of blood to "check point 2" check hemoglobin level and blood type  (wonder why are they still doing that although the blood type is clearly stated on my donation book!) , then you are asked to meet with the doctor-on-duty for Q&A and blood pressure checking session.

Update on Kayap/Shingles

Right after the previous post, I went to the clinic, started antiviral antibiotic and applied the Declovir cream on the infected. Miraculously, the next morning (Day 5), it dried up to a point that it was no longer so nasty :) ...but still in pain. still look nasty on picture though I had to bring along a change of clothes when I arrive at the lab, as the 'proper wear' has hard fabric and is harsh/induce pain to the area. I had to stop all sweating activities to make sure the area is dry for the drying-up process.

12 hours Fitness (Zumba) Party 2014 in Penang

The event was held two weekends ago, took place at Esplanade, Padang Kota Lama, Penang. The word "12 hours" might be horrifying, but I've been to the 12 hours International Walk in Putrajaya, so no biggie for me. The event was held side by side with the Penang 12 Hour International Walk, and since the beginning, I had this feeling that the Fitness event gonna suck somewhere and sometime as the Walk event would be the priority even though the Fitness event's participants outnumbered the Walk event.