
Showing posts from June, 2013

第八日的蝉 Youkame no Semi

电影日~~~ 最近,觉得是时候清一清HardDisk的容量,于是翻了翻很少会去翻的电影folder。 (很少翻是因为总是以“电影是要有心情才可以看的”为借口,所以都只是看series,而电影就越堆越多...) 选了两个电影来看,两个都让我很有要写blog的冲动。 (还有一个理由就是很想写blog可是苦没题材) 《第八日的蝉》 2011年下的,拖到现在才看。 一入往常,看戏前都有个小陋习,就是会先自己爆雷,尤其是这种在家里看的,具体了解一下电影的故事,才开始看戏。 很多人(是全部人吧)都认为我这样很potong stim,可是就我来说,知道下一幕会发生什么事会让我更期待,当它发生时,和我想象的有落差都会让我有惊喜,而且,每次都是噢~~ 《第八日的蝉》改编自同名小说。我没看过这本小说。据 维基 ,电影版与小说有些不同。电影版较注重讲述成年后秋山惠理菜的故事。  这是一部女性的电影。男人(指秋山和岸田,不是全部)在这个戏里都是扮演着犯贱的角色,搞婚外情,不避孕,还哄骗女人去堕胎。要不得~~ 故事大纲:希和子和秋山先生搞婚外情怀孕了,被秋山哄骗堕胎导致不孕,同时秋山的太太生了个孩子,被骂‘空壳子’的希和子想去看孩子一眼然后就放下一切离开时,被小孩的天使笑容感动 (我也被感动了啊) ,结果就把小孩抱走,开始了三年多的逃亡生活。 如果是我,搞不好拐了小baby第二天就会把他还回去了因为第二晚还是哭个不停! 透过千草的‘访问’,成年后的惠理菜慢慢且不情愿地寻觅自己的过去。 整个电影下来,我能写出来的影评很废: 1)天使之家的‘主席’跟伴在她身边的‘陪唱’好好笑啊~~ 2)最有型的男人非照相馆大叔莫属啊!目测就可以知道惠理菜是二十年前的小薰!他的眼睛和脑袋有pattern recognition system吗?帅毙了! 3)我始终没办法正视千草,可能是对过于‘亲密’的同性有些许反感吧...


聊电影前,让我先说说由来: 2010年, 喀纳斯之旅 , 认识了一位来自河北的男生(忘了名字)。跟他好聊到啊,东南西北地聊个不停。我们聊到了电影这个话题,在他很惊讶我竟然会知道葛优时,跟我说葛优以前的电影比较有看头时;回国后,找了好几个下得了的葛优旧电影,其中一个就是《活着》。 《活着》,2010年留到现在噢~! 照旧,我都会给自己爆雷一下。在知道这个电影经历中国大陆那几个困苦的年代时,预料这个电影会让我心情沉重,我还是看了,而且不但没沉重,甚至没后悔。 我写的影评会很烂,所以炒来了 这个 : 影片以福贵一家的坎坷命运为主线,讲述福贵和他家人风风雨雨几十年的遭遇,而不同年代的遭遇,透出了一个时代的缩影,从解放战争,大跃进到文化大革命,最后,他们的生活已经变得麻木,失去的太多,面对生活,大概只剩下“活着”。 也是一个改编自同名小说。据说原著小说更悲惨,所以我就不去读了。 四十年代:福贵好赌,逼走妻子家珍,把自己院子都赌输了给龙二,气死爸爸,从此过着穷困的生活。靠皮影表演谋生,途中却被抓去当兵,从兵队里的老兵老全明白了生活的真意,也从那时起,开始了“活着”的说法 -- “活着回去,回去好好活”。回到村子和家人会合,龙二被枪毙 - 福贵被吓倒尿裤子,葛优演得超赞的 - 福贵和家珍决定重建他们的生活,当个贫民老百姓。 五十年代:开始大跃进,全民大炼钢铁。儿子有庆被撞死的悲痛,让福贵家珍没办法原谅罪魁祸首春生,也是福贵最要好的朋友。 六十年代: 进入文化大革命的时代。福贵的皮影被视为‘四旧’,被逼烧了;女儿凤霞嫁人;好友春生被打成走资派遭到批斗;凤霞要生产了,送去被“红卫兵夺权+老大夫都以反动学术权威之罪名被关进牛棚”的医院,结果凤霞大出血难产死了... 以后...:福贵对孙子馒头说:“你是赶上好时候了,将来这日子就越来越好了。”  ***    ***   *** 观后感 : 1)还是以前的演技最棒啊~每每看着福贵家珍俩,根本就不像在做戏,而是两夫妻在过日子一样,演技太赞了~~ 2)福贵的悲伤经历,都是间接性被那时代的‘大事件’连累。 他本身,在国共内战时被强制入伍和家人分开两年; 儿子有庆,在大跃进时,被车撞死; 女儿凤霞,文革时在都是肉脚的医院难产死。 抄...

CSI: Never Gonna Be The Same Again

'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' was first introduced to me when I was at the ex-bf's house back in, wow, 2003, I think. I started 'officially' watching on Season 4 in 2004, almost the same time as House M.D. came out. I'm speaking of the era when I got my first laptop, Internet was still a luxury (provided my hostel's cyber cafe's internet sucks max) , and we were still using 3 1/2" floppy disks for computer data transferring. AXN was my fixed channel whenever I went back home for semester breaks. That time, the Grissom team was utmost awesome. For several seasons later, the casts remained the same and that definitely retain the teamwork chemistry real strong. The presence of Lady Heather doesn't bother me, it creates a different set of chemistry between her, Gil and Sara. The most awesome season finale, 'Grave Danger' of season 5, is still running in my head. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, it was Tarantino-ly spectacular. If I...

Wee Shirlyn 1 Year Update

Whaddayaknow, she is one year old already!!! Gah, sometimes I hope time can go by like those Perlisian drivers (not all) who drives their car at 50-60km/h speed on the right lane of a stretch of 90km/h road. A little unreasonably slow would be good. The official birthday was on 6th June, but since Friday falls on 7th and it's weekend in Kelantan, Da Jie had a birthday bash at Four Season Restaurant for this brat Little One. Little One has a range of dresses for her to wear, and the way the mother arranged it to take photos is so much like the online seller trying to sell the dress! Look at all these princess-y dress!! The party was OK with one snag - there was no cake!! LOL. One of the cake's mission was to take picture with the birthday girl at a studio, where the appointment was after the party. Hence, no cake. The mother ordered Jelly cake too!!! Yum Yum!!! It was very HUGE and heavy, but since it's all jelly, the cake disappeared pretty fast too...

The Sick Society

Watched a video on FB about a quarrel incident in Singapore MRT. Was reluctant to watch at first because it would affect the mood, to see how sick the society is/how rude a person can be blah blah, especially when the title reads 'Guy Quarrels and Spits on Old Man on MRT'. Watched it anyway, by reading the comments first. The beginning of the video, I felt a little weird because in the comment/description, it's about the priority seat thingy, and, well, there's an empty seat beside that priority seat. According to report, the elderly refused the seat given up by a young guy, and ask the man sitting in the priority seat to give up the seat instead. The priority seat guy got offended and the fight started. The video was noisy because there's yelling and shouting, plus there's an infant sitting next to both man! The spitting part was indeed shocking to me. The reason why the priority guy was shouting 'racist' is because the young man who gave up his...