
Showing posts from April, 2018

2D1N Kuala Terengganu Weekend Getaway

Had a short trip over the weekend with my buddies at Kuala Terengganu, about 150+- km away from my hometown, Kota Bharu, 3 hours driving distance. FY took the bus from Perlis to KB, arriving at 4.30am, and we both drove to KT at the ungodly hour early in the morning. There's very very few cars, some roads don't even have lamps that was pretty horrifying, and we arrived safely at Seok's house 3 hours later. Seok is a lecturer at Unisza, she owns a house in KT, comfy, spacious and minimalist, so her place is our accommodation. Thanks to her too, we don't have to plan anything, just let her bring us around woohoo!

两天一夜 瓜拉登嘉楼 游记

好久没写游记咯,来更新这个没落的部落格一下。 上个周末去了一趟瓜拉登嘉楼,跟两个闺蜜一起深度游。 瓜拉登嘉楼距离哥打巴鲁大概 150km+- 三个小时的路程。 闺蜜一号 云 从玻璃市坐巴士来吉兰丹,然后我俩相伴 早上五点 驾车前往瓜拉登嘉楼。 七早八早的,路上没什么车,有几段路甚至是没有路灯的,有点小可怕。 所幸,三个小时后没惊无险地抵达闺蜜二号 霞 的家。 霞在瓜拉登嘉楼的一间叫 Unisza 的大学当教授,她在那里买了一间家,很舒适,也解决了落脚的问题。 也多亏了她这位地头蛇,我们可以轻轻松松毫无计划地被她载着到处游。