*night b4 departing to perlis*
*pack pack pack* Wow... it's been really a long time since i really ta bao my stuffs to go to other places 'again'.. Until i really messed up while packing my things.. >.< *blur* As the result, i ended up messing my room up to world-war-three stage.. <<<--- one corner of messy stuffs like medical reports la, documents la, files la etc etc... <<<--- another messy corner: clothes + bags (not yet pack my shoes de le.. ) <<<--- two big plastic bags of shoes: 1 yonex badminton shoe, 1 bata power sport shoe, 1 sandal, 1 black leather alan-delon shoe, 1 padini-authentic casual shoe, 1 yonex racket bag with 1 impact ti-38 inside it.. <<<--- close up view of the bags.. butgor, inside these bags are only clothes + shoes, so baldi la, mug la, plates la etc etc gonna have to buy new one liao la.. And the saddest thing is: I have to leave this baby plushy doggie here at peejay house!!! *cry* I can only manage to bring my 2 baby pillows a