I need a 'real' Break
This morning, I feel all exhausted, tired, frustrated and wore out. The Kemaman road trip was child's play compared to the mental struggle I faced after entering research cluster for a day. ONE day. I was a little too harsh for calling them 无能, but they kinda deserve it. Giving them from A to Y, and they still wanting me to do the Z for them. -___- PJ trip was nothing close to relaxation, all I did on the weekend there was shopping and movie, it's good retail therapy (mentally, not physically). Yesterday, the bus coming back from KL was slow, I had to rush from bus station to home, and from home to cluster to dance studio for the belly dance workshop. It was great fun, but the schedule collided with another group and we had to call it off after merely one hour. This morning, I suddenly felt super hot and sweaty, I thought there's black out, but turned out to be my fan didn't work anymore. And since the fan was accidentally knocked down by me few months ago, it ...