
Showing posts from June, 2012


嗨~大家好!我叫黄智菱 ^^ 我是六月六号出生的。 所谓 ‘ 六六大顺 ’ ,我与吾娘可不尽然啦 ... 话说,在我出生前一天,吾娘还去上班呢!要不是吾娘上司吩咐她拿两天假在家待产,我想我会很有荣幸地在 Allianz 公司诞生了 :D 六六那天,吾娘突然肚子疼,赶紧送去医院。医生说,我被脐带缠颈了,而且脐带比较短,自然生产恐怕会把我拉着出不来。所以,在这种情况下,吾娘选择了动手术。因为是开刀,所以我与吾娘都得住个几天的医院 ... 我的诞生可谓 ‘ 普天同庆 ’ 啊,全部人不知为何地 High 个不行 ... 而且,听到最多的就是我的头发很多!!有什么好稀奇的!?热到我啊 ~~ 出生后的两个星期里都是小阿姨在顾着我,帮我把屎把尿地 ... 还隐隐约约听到她 ‘ 威胁 ’ 我说以后要好好孝敬她!凭什么啊?自己要顾我的,还赖到我头上去呢 ~ 再话说,帮我取名字也是大人们的一大学问。‘智菱’这个名是观音妈选出来的 有眼光 ;) ;至于马来/英文名嘛,他们也是绞尽脑汁来想,还好也是蛮‘有型’地...嘻嘻嘻... 而且啊,这些阿姨们好像很妒忌我很认真在睡觉的pattern噢,每次都要在我睡觉的时候kacau我...如下 :( 人家睡到好好地都要弄人家 :( 还好我都是认真在睡,怎样都没办法把我弄醒!捏我鼻子啦,点我胖胖的脸颊啦,我最多都是挣扎个几下然后再睡回。感恩哪~ 认真地睡,当然也要认真地醒!每次醒一轮,大人们都好像很紧张慌乱这样,尤其是最疼我最宠我的奶奶和外公... 每次我nge nge nge的时候,外公和奶奶都会抢着要抱我。敢敢把我放下,我就nge到更大声! :p 外公最疼我了!每天都会报到噢!可是,每次他对着我说:“情来啊外公来料啊~做莫哭...不粗服啊...开睛开睛看外公nih!”的确有点受不了...有几次阿姨们在模仿时笑到很够力时,我也很想笑!可是她们每次都在人家很认真在睡觉的时候讲,害人家都不能笑了~ 在全部人都很羡慕我的头发当儿,其实我也有苦恼的。每次冲完凉时,我的头发都会贴着头皮。小阿姨很坏咯,竟然说我像蜡笔小新!! :( ^可是,说真的啦,我的头发站站地真的比较好看咯... 只有两个星期大的我,两个星期只是4.2kg重的我,要说的话应该就这么多~我们下次再会~

Getawat to Cambodia (15 - 19 June): Part 2 - Siem Reap

Cont... Day 3: Mr. Phnom arranged a minivan to send us to catch the bus to Siem Reap at 7am. The bus ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap takes 6 hours, but it is nothing when you are with another chatty box and you both have a big library of conversation topics! :) Yung and LCC were seriously beh tahan with us as we literally talked for 6 hours straight. Our Siem Reap tour guide, Ling fetched us from the SR bus station when we reached at 2pm local time. I was hungry to the max! We first went for lunch, then to the following places: 1) Wat Bo Wat Bo is one of the oldest temples in Siem Reap, but not the largest. The majority parts of the temple look old and under construction, and this temple is built and developed based on solely donation and charity funding. Since the main attraction, the prayer hall, was locked to prevent theft, we stayed there for a short period of time. 2) Les Artisan D' Angkor The establishment of this handicraft center is a collaboration between Cambodia and...

Getaway to Cambodia (15 - 19 June): Part 1 - Phnom Penh

Don't think I'm gonna get the pictures from the 'DSLR' any sooner, might as well write a thought post first before I forget the details of the trip by the time I have the pictures... add some 'pathetic' pictures from my Samsung Champ in this post though... First off, I wouldn't call this trip an 'exploration' or 'expedition' or 'adventure' etc. 'Getaway' would be a better choice of word since we signed up a tour package and everything was arranged from beginning til end. The travel mates are Michelle, Yung and Tongyam aka LCC. Just as expected, although it's the first meeting between Michelle and I, we became so close, LCC and Yung totally beh tahan with our non-stop chat LOL! The flight to Phnom Penh was scheduled at 6.35am. Got a room at tune hotel to overnight and prepare for the early flight. 4 big kids in the Tune Hotel room was totally jam-packed. Flight was on time, everything started off smoothly ...

Suits (Update)

Cooling down, after blurting... This post was actually written last week, but the context would literally return back to talk about how good is the series, so I decided to change course: talking about the series. Currently, I have been seriously addicted to the series - Suits . This legal drama combination of Harvey and Mike is something like White Collar's Neal and Peter, just that Neal is way more cunning and witty, while Mike is emotional, naive and soft. Lighter than The Good Wife, just nice for entertainment wise. Why do I always have the feeling that the people in IMDB takes everything so seriously? There's a statement I like the most in this series, spoken by two persons in almost the same episode (if I'm not mistaken) - Anchor. Mike has this friend, Trevor, who talked him into cheating in test and weed dealing. Mike almost got busted in the pilot episode, and that's when he met his 'saviour', Harvey (and Donna, indirectly...) Both Harvey and Mike's ...


脾气不好的我,最近很容易上火,常常乱发脾气。 星期四/五的巴士事件,让我整个hold不住。 晚上九点的巴士,等到早上六点都还没来。就酱,我不能出席好友芯妤的婚宴,也不能更新我的护照。回不了家的滋味,好难受... 要说发脾气,其实我也只是跟一个人发。其他人嘛,我的声量是比较高而已。That's all. 柜台的两个女孩很无辜,我知道不是她们的错,也一而再,再而三地告诉自己别靠近柜台,可是,到最后关头,我还是发泄了 (我也 只是提高声量而已) 虚伪 。 有个朋友说,“发这种脾气只是自寻烦恼。向NCCC(国家消费者权利中心)和该巴士公司投诉会有效吗?不如娱乐自己痛快些~比如,就自己驾车回去啊...为何要把事情看得这么重?这么生气,何苦呢?” 我失言,不是因为他说的对,而是因为他不在场,他不明白,他不知道,重点:他不是我,他不懂我。 对! 你们可能会说:在巴士站/火车站/飞机场等等熬夜/度过一夜,我何尝没试过?!大惊小怪! 对! 可是... 你过一夜的巴士站,是不是在等候室里面,起码椅子还有cushion,坐/躺着等? 你过一夜的火车站,可能椅子不多,可是起码是个室内火车站? 你过一夜的飞机场,何止室内,还有个24小时营业的麦记呢~ (注:我不曾在LCCT和KLIA过夜,如有错误,请指教) 我现在可以正式地说:从2007年到现在,我终于都有在加央巴士站留宿街头的第一次经验了! 加央巴士站,一个很典型的小小一个巴士站。厕所是跟你收三毛钱,到12点就关闭的那种;别提等候室,根本没有;摆着几张硬邦邦的石椅随你躺坐睡;更别提那些吸人血不偿命的蚊子;我家小猪的喷嚏都比它强的风;开放式的巴士站,前后左右都有路人甲乙丙丁来来往往...等等等等 在这种情况下,我等了九个小时的巴士,等着一辆遥不可及的巴士。 柜台女子说:要么你们可以等,要么我们可以给回你们钱。 脾气不好的我,满肚子的怨气,满肚子的火。 如果这一趟是个平常的回家旅途,我就算了。 我要的不是钱,我要回家! 最遗憾的,就是得缺席芯妤的婚宴 :( 在彻底被巴士公司打败后,我愤怒又无力地回我这里的家。SMS爹娘报告,SMS韵最新消息,SMS萍道歉,SMS芯妤道歉;收到她回复时,下一秒,脾气不好的我,哭了。 题外话:芯妤,是个文静斯文的女孩,跟我简直差个十万八千里。中五,她坐我前面,另一个损友萍坐我右手边。就酱,斯文善良的她,在...

WORST Bus Experience with Transnational, EVER!!

Once again, Transnasional has failed me. THe WORST!! I have been waiting for quite sometime to return to KB for my secondary school besties, Shin Yee's wedding, especially after seeing and having a lunch with her in Penang and viewing her pre-wedding photos. It's just so excited that one of my buddies is getting married! Bought the bus ticket 2 weeks ago, naively decided to give Trans one more chance to remedy their past failure. Obviously, not only they don't learn from their mistakes and improve their service, they made it even worse! The bus was scheduled at 9pm on 31st May 2012. I was there 30 minutes earlier, along with some other passengers. When the bus was nowhere in sight at 10pm, my friend made the first inquiry about the status of the bus, where she was told the bus had broken down somewhere in Jitra or Changlun and they've been waiting for the mechanics to fix it. I had this bad feeling that what had happened on my last trip with Trans would replay all ...