
Showing posts from September, 2014

宏妮小游: 普吉岛 之 五天四夜也还好啊(三)

第一集 , 第二集 , 第三集 原本以为想把全部东西挤在两篇就好,可是我太啰嗦了 -___- 第四天: 正当我们都以为这一天就要回家了的时候... ... ... ... ... 所以前一晚才会吃到这么奢华~~ 早上起来后洗着澡,浴室外那个胖子突然大叫一声吓倒我!!!话说,胖子宏是淡定哥一位,这样的惊吓这是第一次,很不寻常。我紧张了,对他喊问什么事情,他缓缓地把头从看着笔电抬起来,缓缓地说:“我要check in回程的,一直check in不到,以为AA(亚航)网站又有问题了,原来hor... ... ... Erm... ... 如果我跟你讲我们其实是明天才回,你会怎样?” 0.o o.0 0.o o.0 老实说,我呆住了大概一分钟吧... ... 都已经整理好了,收拾行李心情要走了,然后他来跟我讲这个!?我还以为糊涂是我的责任呢,没想到他也糊涂了!!哈哈!他自己也吓到了,一直讲:“怎么回事!?我真的一直都以为是今天回啊!!!” 怎么回事,你说??你都有今天啊我的亲爱的宝贝胖子哈哈哈!! 话说,我从头到尾都没有看过那张机票 itinerary,因为某人死死要守着这个秘密嘛,所以所有的一切都是交给他安排,倒没想到会摆出这种乌龙来。。。 可是,事实就是事实,笑笑接受吧~~好家在宏有所准备 - 就是带多一点钱来换啦 =D 要多租一天机车和加一晚旅馆,还要去换巴士票。现在你知道了为什么那时我们只拿了三晚而不是四晚。 醒得很早,早上八点,我俩身上只有 530B,人家货币兑换柜台都还没开。到 Family Mart 吃早餐 (真是大爱泰国的7/11和Family Mart啊!!马来西亚的便利商店什么时候才会进步!?) ,到巴东沙滩玩耍,等待时间到 - 大多数的店面都是九点开门营业。 钱兑换了,旅馆延期了,机车租借延期了,巴士票换好了,出发去继续旅程!!

宏妮小游: 普吉岛 之 五天四夜也还好啊(二)

第一集 , 第二集 , 第三集 第三天: 这天是骑机车游玩天! 到过的地方:Karon Beach 卡伦海滩,Kata Beach 卡塔海滩,Kata Viewpoint 卡塔观景点,和 Phromthep Cape 神仙半岛。 宏说,普吉岛的交通流量比清迈多(他去过清迈),可是,倒不像柬埔寨啊越南等那么恐怖的交通,所以大致上来讲,在普吉岛租辆机车自驾游还蛮爽的。要骑脚车也可以,只是你要确定你的体力一流,因为普吉岛很多山! 在巴东一带,有好多家大店小店出租机车,价位在 150B - 300B 不等,有好几款机车可供挑选。这天,一大早的,八点早上,我们到旅馆附近的一间小店租机车。前一晚,宏跟这家店敲定了价,一天 200B,而且他们跟你要护照或其他合法证件作‘抵押’。有问到一间比较便宜,150B,可是她一定要护照作抵押,所以就作罢,宁可花多一点钱也不想冒那种险。上早班的‘哥哥’很耐斯很亲切。 烈火战车 强力推荐 这里 提供旅游攻略参考,资料很齐全。 托了Endomondo App的福,得以在Google Map上记上路线:

宏妮小游: 普吉岛 之 五天四夜也还好啊(一)

第一集 , 第二集 , 第三集 原本只是想些英文版就好了,可是内心深处还是有个乌龟王八妮一直盯着华文版的题目 (是的,开始写前就先拟好题目,写paper就不见得那么勤力了) ,所以,还是写吧!! 这篇稿里,除了飞机票,其他讲到钱的后面写着的‘B’指的是泰珠,时间是当地时间+7 Hour,比马来西亚快一个小时。 宏是在二月时在Paradigm Mall举行的亚航旅游展买的飞机票,两个人RM600。排了差不多两个小时的队才买到的啊!! 他死死不要讲去哪里,所谓的surprise,还问我:“如果跟你讲是去合艾 Hatyai,你会生气吗?” 我是没问题啦,愿意随他到天涯海角去,只是会被玻璃市的朋友笑死,因为从这里去只需两个小时就到了,我还要长途跋涉地飞去KL再飞去合艾再飞回KL又飞回玻璃市的,很傻 LOL! 秘密是守得很牢一下啦,只是旅程前两个星期就破功了,因为要商量住宿攻略等事务。 飞到吉隆坡后,第一件事就是前往KL Fahrenheit 88找慧萍,因为要去玩没办法参加她隔天的婚宴,算是补偿啦~ 前往普吉岛的航班是 7:25 早上,坐五点的巴士从1U去飞机场。出门时发现到视线朦朦地,原来是忘了戴眼镜啊!赶紧跑进房间找,找来找去都找不到,眼看时间快迟了,来不及穿contacts,只好硬着头皮眼蒙蒙地出门去了!视线倒是不会像有些人酱没戴眼镜几乎就是盲了的状况,只是超级没有安全感,死死牵着他的手不放,直到进入departure hall才快快去戴contacts。 眼镜不是不见了,而是被那条肥仔弄跌不懂飞去哪里了,后来钟点工来打扫时放在桌上。 大致上五天四夜行程是这样地: 第一天: - 住宿 Patong Station House - 江西冷,班赞,Patong Promenade,Bangla Road - 吃 Wine Connection, Drink & Food Festival 第二天: - 皇帝岛 + 珊瑚岛 出海记 第三天: - 机车自驾游 - 卡伦,卡塔,神仙半岛 Laem Phromthep - 吃 巴东-缅甸吃店,卡塔-Lobster & Prawn 第四天: - 机车自驾游 - 普吉镇,查龙庙,Rawai - 吃 船面,Sea Gypsea 开支: 两个...

Curse the Sun

I woke up this morning to see sun shining outside my window and I cursed It. Must use 'It' with capital 'I' because the sun is so darn BIG. Is it bad? I mean to curse the sun. I was planning to cycling since Saturday, and Perlis has been raining since the week before, so I had to cancel and postpone my cycling plan. Then, I thought about Tuesday, which is a public holiday - Malaysia Day. Then it's been raining and raining, so I didn't put much hope lah. Then, this morning, I woke up, saw sunshine outside, and I growled and cursed it! I didn't want to go out for a short ride because the preparation to go for a ride is tedious, with the bike pants and baju and sunscreen and stuff, so it had to be 20km and above, but I woke up kinda late and it was too late for a long ride. Sigh.... Y u do this to me my dear Sun!!

Phuket 2014: Day 5 - The End + Humble Tips

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End Since our promised motorbike return time was 9.00am, we set a plan a night before that we wanted to have the last dip in Kata Beach, as early as 6am, and so we did! It was so early, the traffic flow was scarce. Karon and Kata Town were completely empty in fact! It was fun having a morning dip in the wide ocean, and the water wasn't cold if you are wondering. It was a short trip, so we got out half an hour later, took a shower at Club Med entrance*, and went back to hotel. *Club Med Phuket has a shower head at the entrance, the one we used on Day 3, Hon completely ignored the guards who were calling for us and I felt slightly ashamed about it. So, this time, I asked Hon to at least ask the guards properly and politely to use the shower, he did, and well, the guards immediately say OK...

Phuket 2014: Day 4 - Motorbike Ride (Phuket Town, Rawai)

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End Just when we thought we're going back this day... ... ... The reason why we ate so lavishly the night before When I was taking the morning shower, Hon suddenly yelped so loud it shocked me! He is a very calm man so that was very unusual. I asked him what's going on, and he slowly looked up from his laptop, and said "I wanted to check in our flight, was frustrated and wondering why the hell they don't let me check in, and... ... ... actually our flight back is TOMORROW !!!" 0.o    0.o    0.o    0.o    0.o I was stunned for a good minute. I was already packed, my luggage and my heart to be ready to go back, and he told me this!? This is so NOT him to be so 糊涂 blunder! Blunder and clumsy and absent-minded are supposed to be my department!! LOL! He w...

Phuket 2014: Day 3 - Motorbike Ride (Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape)

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End Motorbike ride around Karon Beach, Kata Beach, Kata Viewpoint and Phromthep Cape aka Laem Phromthep in Thai. A little Google Map routing to show where I've been: I have no any other idea of how to map a route. I mean like recording the route as we are going on the road, we know where we want to go but we (sort of) not using GPS and just wanna know how we go there... if you get/don't get what I mean. So, I use the only way I know, using Endomondo to map it, then use Google Maps to draw back where I've been haha! If you know how to do it (mapping route) using Google Maps or GPS or whatever, please share with me!!

Phuket 2014: Day 2 - Raya Island & Coral Island Hopping

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End Day 2: Island Hopping Day!! The packed we booked was under a company called Raya Princess Tour . The price was originally 2,200B and there's a 50% - 70% discount during low season, so I highly recommended visiting the Thailand islands during low seasons! Everything (except food) is so cheap! The minivan picked us up from the hotel at 8.00am, and we were brought to a 'gathering point' at Chalong Bay. Coffee and tea were free! Each of us were given colored sticker for grouping purposes. We were in orange team. Soon the tour guides arrived, called out the sticker color, and we were led by the guide to the pier. Our guide of the day is Pi (or Bi). Same as in Koh Lipe, had to walk through the sea to board the boat. Before play water leg already wet. The first stop was Cora...

Phuket 2014: Day 1 - Patong Exploration

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End Day 1: Thanks to the missing glasses I got to be sui sui (pretty) on this trip haha! Our flight was scheduled at 7.25am, landed at 7.30am local time (flew for 5 min hahaha!), hopped on the bus at 8.00am, arrived Patong at 9.30am, found and decided our accommodation at 11.00am. After settled down and rested, it's already 2.30pm! We quickly went out to explore the place. Our first local meal in Phuket, and it just had to be a very expensive noodle. 60B per bowl!!! Summore the portion of the sprouts were more than the noodle!!

5D4N Phuket 2014 - Before Fly, Transport, Stay

Part 1: Flight, transport, stay ; Part 2: Patong Explore ; Part 3: Raya Island and Coral Island hopping ; Part 4: Karon, Kata, Phromthep Cape ; Part 5: Phuket Town, Rawai Beach , Part 6: The End The Phuket trip posts are divided into few sub-categories coz I'm very long-winded!! So many things to tell!!! (I just hope someone out there really cares about what I write heh) Abbreviation: B = Baht; time stated in this Phuket trip posts is in GMT +7 hours. Our itinerary: Day 1: - stay at Patong Station House, Patong - Jungceylon Mall, Banzaan Fresh Market, Patong Promenade, Bangla Road - Makan at Wine Connection, Drink & Food Festival Day 2: - Island hopping to Raya Island and Coral Island Day 3:  -Motorbike ride - Karon, Kata, Laem Phromthep - Makan at Myanmar local food, Lobster & Prawn Restaurant Kata Day 4: - Motorbike ride - Phuket Town, Wat Chaithararam, Rawai Beach - Makan at Boat Noodle, Sea Gypsea@Rawai Day 5: - Kata Beach - Go Home ...