
Showing posts from June, 2008

Your Song

... which it means it's MY SONG oso loh... TeeHee~~ I hope you don't mind~~~ I hope you don't mind~~~ That I put down in wordddddssssssssss~~~~ How wonderful life is while you're in the worrrllllddd~~~~ When I watched this youtube for the very first time, GOSH! I love Elton John's version of 'Your Song' the most!


今天是拜四。今天这个拜四我也做了一点点事情。 早上-中午: 昨晚朦朦胧胧地接了婆婆的电话,蒙蒙胧胧中只听懂了 "明天来载我啊,要去xx伯伯的家,他们家有..........." (注:后面的....我是听不清楚的其实) 所以早上我早起了,大约九点就去了姑姑家载婆婆,再一起去xx伯伯的家。 原来啊,他家有joh su (做事,指拜拜,乩童请神上身之事) 。 我们几个女人就坐在一堆折金纸。然后,就在我的眼前,四个健壮的男子就抬起了神轿舞动着,再不断推了推那位乩童向神台等等的...说实在的我很少在这么近距离观看这类事情,而且当时,我有种毛骨悚然的感觉 -___________________-" 后来.......... ..... 我去吃饭了。 哈哈!婆婆叫到嘛... 吃饱后,婆婆吩咐我去跟神说我就要出远门读书了,请求祂保佑我平安。以下是我们的对话(以福建话交谈的哦): 神:你什么事? 我:我要去读书,希望您能保佑我平平安安。 神:厚!作么一个两个都是去读书?(在我前面差不多五个人都是为了读书的) 我三兄从来都没读过书!(望着我)如果你学业有成了,愿意回来教教三兄我吗? 我:会!(笑) 神:手!(我把手伸出来,他就在我的手上打了六个印,再画一张符给我) 我:三兄,我身边有小人吗?我会被欺负吗? 神:(望着我)你啊,嘴巴很多话讲!一去新地方,三天就交了全世界朋友回来!还会被欺负咩?(全场笑) 厚!太坦白了吧!:p 后来再呆了一下下就走人了。结果两手红红的回家去 下午: 送了婆婆回家再坳多一包kao jam来吃后,我去了找洗发水和剪头发。 还和妈妈玩了一阵子的捉迷藏呢 -_______________-" 原本想回家换摩多来用,结果给妈妈驾走了! :x 后来再绕到外婆家,妈妈竟然不在!懒了,就只好开车去剪发了。 先去了一趟Jane's,结果她没有卖我用着的那个,本来心痒痒想试同一品牌不同feature的,后来没买... 还好啊! 因为我去了Jalan Kebun Sultan小贩中心和Hayaki 24jam之间的一间小小间的头发店找到了我要买的洗发水!哈哈!价钱有点贵了 (老板不会用calculator,价钱还是我算出来的 -__-" 还好我老实 :p ) 可是值得! 也在她的店剪了头发~头发美不美我也不大会讲...

CouchPotato Nee

Comfort of home makes my small michelin tummy become solid and solid-er day by day. Damn! As the result, when I tried to do sit up or any rotation of my trunk, I felt like the oily part is dragging my ribs and lungs, making me breathless. Damn! OK, back to topic... Watched CSI season finale just now, I'm too excited and surprised, I need to write this down! Warrick Brown was shot by Undersheriff McKeen!!! Two shot!!!! And so far, it's not so sure whether will Warrick dead or alive in the new season. :CRY: When will season 9 on air??? HuhHUhHUhuh?? Arghhhh........ Speaking of TV show, I wanna talk about another drama I'm chasing on AEC. 目前我正追着AEC的《女人何苦为难女人》,现在播到第十九集。 就剧名来看就知道,这是一部女人戏,是一部看着看着就会让你大声呐喊:“真是看了都显啊!!!!”的一部讲女人的连续剧。 这剧是由刘晓庆,田丽和六月主演。 剧里的女人,勾心斗角,吵来抢去,骗来偷去的...而剧里的男人,则懦弱,贪婪,败家,振奋... 一句话讲完,是部很经典的台湾连续剧。 剧说,男主人有三个女人:一个妻,一个妾,一个偷。而这男主人够厉害,第二集就死了,留下三个女人抢家产(其实只是妻和妾在吵,偷的在前几集自杀死了) 就这样,从第二集开始到大结局(三十四集),就在说这些事情了... 所以我说,有时会看了都显,就是这么一回事了... ... ... 算上来,我应该来不及看到大结局就得回大学了... 要找视频看先咯....

UPU result is out

And unfortunately and sad that a 'stranger'-friend of mine told me that he is rejected. :( I so wish his appeal will be successful! (One main reason is because he is planning to come to uniMAP. Waha~) Pray hard for those who have the same fate! GOOD LUCK!

Weekend in KL (again)

My mum and I came to KL yesterday morning to attend Chen's Campbell Uni convocation. Well, recently my health seems like going to a hazardous level, as I didn't have a good journey yesterday. Long journey, day trip and on the bus is not a good combination, summore I hardly slept during the journey, plus there's this one annoying baby who kept on making the baby giggling sound which annoyed me quite alot. Yeah, I know I'm cruel and he is only a baby, but I had a terrible mood swing that I almost stand up to slap him on the face. *woot* Miss Lim Tino pit giap edi!!! Congratulation!!! The ceremony didn't take too much time as there's only a handful of students (around 100+- lah, hehe). We took pictures and waited for her under a big tree while she went to meet her lecturers. Her good friend Lai Cheng came to give her flowers too (A very nice lily~ Later will show picture). After hustling here and there, this and that, we went to Pavilion for a movie. And we w...

Racun day

One fine day, I escorted mum and gramma to our kebun to racun the lalangs as the fruit-bearing season is around the corner. My duty was a simple and easy one: keep an eye on the water level in the pails and keep track on the number of the racuns that Kamal (the tenure kebun worker Pakcik Mamat's son) sprayed. The most terrible part is that we need to depart to Batnar (the location of the kebun) at 6.30am, means I need to wake up early. While Mum and Kamal did all the racun mixing thingy, I ran away the kebun chasing dogs and hens and chicks like a huge retard kid. Oh! Not to forget cam-whoring too... :p After the water was filling up, Kamal was doing the mixing thingy and off he went to kill all those junkies, I just sitting around... eating... reading... Not to forget counting... We visited my granma's ex-house too... to give letters to my ah jek and ah jim. OH I miss that home soooo much... It plays the most important role in my childhood life~ The road to the house This is d...


Wow!! Daddy installed Firefox into our home pc! Cool~ Awesome~~ No offence, but I prefer Firefox more and more than IE.. TeeHee~~~ Will be going to KL early tomorrow morning, fetch Chen at KLIA at night. *FUN* Mum said movie is a must when we are at KL! And she said nar D ia would be better to watch than Kungfu Panda.. Since it's not a new movie anymore, mean we might still need to go through a long queue (weekend mah...), but sure can get good seat! Hah!!! The Chronicle of Nar D ia: Prince Caspian! Here I come! p/s: Mum said narDia, I'm good girl, so I just wrote down what she said... -_________-" LHN One day, a lightning will strike on your head for being an ungrateful daughter ...Beware...

Harga minyak sudah....

Naik kah??? All I heard on the news at 6pm was: our Prime Minister was announcing something about fuel price, and the words I heard the most were ' minyak ' . ' ikan ', ' nelayan ', ' naik ', ' sama ', 'tidak sama ' , and a lot of ' sen 'ssssssssss. Conclusion is: I don't understand what is he talking about. -____________________________-" Then my dad bonceng -ed me to visit the oil stations around Jalan Hospital. Shell, Petronas (oppostie Aman Razak), and Caltex (next to Addin) are so packed tell you! The pictures are still in my dad's camera, so will find time and effort (TeeHee~ Lazy mah) to upload. Besides, the situation makes me wonder.... Since when KB got so many cars one!??!?!?!? The latest plate I saw is DBF somethingsomething , so I think that makes a lot of sense that a lot and a lot of cars are purchased here. Grrrrrrr..... Many cars mean more traffic jam here and there.. And I don't like it. Anyway,...