
Showing posts from January, 2013


上个拜六参加了亚罗士打区慈济举办的岁末祝福。 话说,我这个连佛教会活动都没参加过的人,在十二月尾时为了买 这个东西 *而认识了这位苏用才先生。苏先生是慈济的一位师兄,那天他带了我走一圈慈济中心。 *等我喝到第十罐/三个月我再写一个review... 几个星期后,苏先生打电话来问我饮用玉女汤后的成果,顺便很热心地邀我参加一个活动。其实“岁末祝福”这个活动名称我一直听不清楚,而且我对这种超级热情邀请我参加活动的态度有点恐惧,所以我都推辞了。 然后又过了一个星期,确定要跟他拿货,又看在时间上有空隙的份上,我答应了。可是(!),在最后关头苏先生竟说他不会出席!我本来还很俗辣地要缺席,可是看在他已经把我的名字报上的关系,只好去了。 话说因为前一天睡不好+不够的关系,当天有点犯头痛,而且经过大半天又驾车又洗脸又看戏的‘折腾’下,八点半到达慈济中心时,已经几乎头昏脑涨眼眯眯了... 第一次又一个人出席,我整个尴尬到不行。看到一群很热情的师兄师姐招待来宾,而我就一路地“我是第一次来的...我是第一次来的”,被带上了一楼礼堂。话说慈济中心里面装璜很漂亮哦! 拿了福慧袋,被一位小妹妹带去位子后,我就尽量安分地静静坐着,因为头有点越痛的感觉,而且开始犯昏睡了。 节目一开始,播放了慈济的历史,宗旨,使命等,然后是一段又一段很优美温和的手语诵经环节,我整个人很有全身和灵魂被翻转又翻转地洗净一样,整个很平静祥和的感觉... 可是,到后半段的时候,一些人做着不文明的失礼举动让我又开始头痛了。 也忘了是从什么环节开始,坐我两旁的大姐aunty们和坐我前面的小孩开始觉得沉闷了,开始声量不算小地聊起天来,而且在有些我很想静下心来聚精会神专心的时候还讲个没完,让我很火大。 接着是派福慧红包的时候,也让我暗暗地小翻了一下白眼。 简单来说,福慧红包由八个师兄师姐分两边派给参加者,所以每一边是一次四位派/拿红包。话说到我们这排的时候,前一组的第四位是坐我旁边的其中一位大姐,下一组第一位是她的朋友;在慈济人叫她排队时,这位‘第四位’完全BLUR的样子,“我跟朋友来的~我们一起拿不能咩?为什么要分开排?我们一起排不能啊?” 我整个又头痛又火滚地在心里吐血内伤呐喊着,“大姐啊!你都不观察一下你的周围吗?没看到前面四个师兄在派红包吗?人家一早就四个四个安排着排队了,你就只...

The Chronicles of M&M: Progress

Some updates, perhaps? Mojo has been with me for almost two months now, and *touch wood* so far so good. He eats well, drinks well, poops well, and plays well. He doesn't 'hop' on his big bro as much as he used to be, but he does popcorns and runs around a lot - a sign that he's happy - and that relieves me. One thing is certain about this fellow - he drinks a lot. Every now and then I would hear the 'clak clak clak' sound from the drinking bottle, and there little Mojo is, drinking the water. 9 out of 10 times would be him drinking and not his big bro, and every time he drinks, he drinks a lot (judging from the number of 'clak clak clak' he slurping from the bottle). At first I thought the water is not into his mouth that he needs to push the gauge more to get more water out of it, but checking on the mat below the bottle, nah~ this fellow loves drinking. Yeah I love exposing myself! So what!? Another cute feature about him is, the black and...

Sherlock (TV Series)

I have heard about the awesomeness of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. It is even said that the combination of House MD and Wilson in, obviously, House MD series, is based on the said combination, or so I heard. Unfortunately and shame to say, I never read any of the Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, be it English or Mandarin version, I haven't even watch the Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. So, very very shame of me... Anyway~ After the ultimate slowpoke - I - finished The Good Wife Season 3 (awesome season, but I don't have much feeling to write about it) , weekend arrived and I have ample day + night time for long duration show, so I sorted to this series, Sherlock. Sherlock is a British crime drama, three 90-minute episodes per season, depicts "consulting detective" Holmes assisting the police in solving crimes alongside Dr. John Watson who has returned from Afghanistan. This series is different from what I've...

Not A Stereotype

The other night, lied down on 12++, but I couldn't sleep despite the tiredness and muscle exhaustion from yoga. Tossed and turned for another one hour, I gave up and got up from bed, looked around the room for something to do. Not books - it would usually turn me on and I couldn't choose which book to start. So, I sorted to Jasmine's long-due cross stitch, but then I decided to do something I haven't done for some time... This bro! This fellow is 曹操 Cao Cao, one of the famous figures in Three Kingdoms. I have owned this BanDai miniature figure for some time, but I couldn't find time to do it. I could only manage to assemble the first half (inner body) as I got sleepy and it only took me 30 minutes to make me sleepy! Bravo! :p Then, the next night, I continued to finish up the figure. That included its helmet, shield, boot, cuff, cape and sword. Tada! Friends (who are not really familiar with me) are surprised that I have such hobby. Well... 1)...

Nobel Laureate VS Miss Listen aka Listen姐

Yep I admit this post is to help increase my blog's pageviews with the keywords and whatnot... On the first week of 2013, I got an unexpected WhatsApp from my undergrad buddy, Juju. The first message sounded surprise. "I heard a big news", she said. "What big news?", I asked. "Unimap invite Nobel Laureate to give talk." I was like, "Who is Nobel Laureate??", as I never have that word registered in my vocabulary database, totally illiterate. "Unimap invite Nobel prize winner bagi talk la," she shouted virtually, and continued "Anthony Leggett his name." ...and our conversation continued about her (and her groupmates') 'jealousy' because it's quite a big thing to be able to invite a Nobel Laureate over for talks and visits by an un-prestige university , and she reminded me not to miss it because it's a rare chance. I, for one, was totally clueless as I didn't hear any news from anyone. Email was...

转贴: 从前,有个凄美的表白故事

From 这里 他是個壞學生,卻喜歡上了學習優異的她。情人節這天,在朋友的慫恿下他終於鼓起勇氣發信息問她:Don't you love me?她很快給了回復:Yes, I do!那一刻,看到這句話他是有些難過的。而後畢業在即,這件事他也隨之拋之腦後。然而,他不知道,那天她一直在等他,等他來牽她的手。   這個故事告訴我們:為了愛情,請學好英文反問句以及相應的回答方式以及正確的翻譯方法。另外,想示愛就別裝強,更不要在不知道解法有幾種的情況下裝強,反問句能害死人。 *** *** *** *** 偶然在某偶像歌手脸书上看到quoted的语录,当下很懊恼,为什么那个男生会‘有些难过’呢?看到唯一一个留言更傻眼,那位仁兄的留言道:"有时真爱就是这样错过了~~~" 几秒后发现,我的娘啊,这简直不是 ‘错过’ 那么简单吧!? 平白无事时会跟朋友闹这种玩笑,就只是用反问句,很简单,而且不是英文哦: 友:你不要吃啊? 我:*点头* 友: 所以,你是表吃咯... 我: *摇头* 友: 减肥啊,不吃... 我: 我一开始就表示我要吃啊~~  重点在于, “你不要吃吗?” 该做怎样的反应呢? 你点头,是表示, “是的,我不要吃” ,还是, “我要吃...” 呢? 你摇头,是表示, “不,我要吃” ,还是, “不要吃” 呢? 回到上面那个凄美表白故事 - Don't you love me... 还想烦人地举例,可是我就点到为止,自己去领悟吧~~

First (trial) ZUMBA Party in Perlis 2013

Finally, the first ever ZUMBA Party had been set up by our dearie first instructor in Perlis, Theresa Tessy ^^ The venue was at Dewan Kastam in the Customs Department housing estate, 5 instructors from SP and Penang were invited and 30 ZUMBA enthusiasts attended the event. It was happening and FUN!! Warming up was performed by Zaina, I LOVE her outfit by the way, the jersey type, so cool!! (It is still an enigma why we would get addicted buying ZUMBA clothes, and it's not cheap!) The warm up was awesome~ Then it was whole load of ZUMBAs!! Both long and short hair Rina, Alice, Lisher, Zaina and Theresa took turn taking over the stage. I, assigned as a temporary photographer, danced my way with 2kg of DSLR on my hand! The duration of the event was 1 hour and a half, and when Theresa announced it would be the last song and it's time for cooling down, many of us complained that it was not enough!! :p Looking forward to the bigger scale ZUMBA party on March!!! Go go go~!...

Terrible Moviegoing Experience

I feel so much like a grumpy old lady because I have so much things to grumble and rant about! Been to the cinema few weeks ago for 'Life of Pi' and 'The Hobbit' (same day, movie marathon, crazy yeah I know) , and Jackie Chan's 'CZ12'. I was literally rolling my eyes throughout all the movies mentioned, NOT because of the movie itself, but the bad behavior of the moviegoers. Have to divide it into individual movie because the eye-rolling part was different... Life of Pi: The movie marathon started with this one at 2.30pm. I was tired that day as I slept late the night before, rushed to a lecturer's wedding which I didn't manage to attend in the end as it was late, and 1 hour drive to Alor Star Mall is never a pleasant journey, not even one in a thousand. The hall was full house, we (or shall I say, the particular friend who prefer to sit particularly at the aisle seat at the middle lane) had to sit at the 'wall' seat. Next to us, the ...

Vietnam 2012: Day 8 - The End

Part 1: Hoi An and My Son , Part 2: Hoi An - Da Nang - Hue , Part 3: Hue , Part 4: Train Ride + Saigon , Part 5: Saigon , Part 6: The End Finally! Final post of the Vietnam trip! On the last day, since our flight was on 1pm, we decided to walk around HCM City on our own, with a limited time, which means no much places to go. The night before, we had a list of places to select from: Notre Dame Cathedral, Saigon Post Office, Reunification Palace (you should listen to me and Tino pronounce this place) , War Remnants Museum, Giac Lam Pagoda, Thien Hau Pagoda and Cholon Chinatown. The final decision was Cholon and War Remnants Museum, based on TripAdvisor reviews and comments. We got out from hotel as early as 8am, with concern we might be there 'helping the people open their shop' (which means we are there too darn early). Fortunately, the day started early at Binh Tay Market, Cholon. The hawkers were already beginning their business, piling up stocks and stuff. Early m...

Vietnam 2012: Day 7 - HCM

Part 1: Hoi An and My Son , Part 2: Hoi An - Da Nang - Hue , Part 3: Hue , Part 4: Train Ride + Saigon , Part 5: Saigon , Part 6: The End It's another HCM full day trip . This time around, it was another tour guide, and bigger group than the day before's . A bus ! The tourist place staff came to 'fetch ' us from our hotel, her riding a xe om /motor bike and us taking the taxi (on their expenses). We waited at the tourist place for ou r transportation , and on the bus touring the city to pick up other tourists. Our tour guide of the day was an old uncle (I forgot to jot down his name). Passed several wedding tents along the way The first stop was the Cao Dai Temple in Tay Ninh, arrived three hours later from HCM City. Quoted from guide book: The Cao Dai Sectwas founded in the 1920 by Ngo Van Chieu, a Saigon civil servant. Followers believe in a combination of the Islamic, Christian, Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian faiths. The symbol of the religion is an...


致2012的我: 自己知道自己事。 大致上,你自己做了什么,你自己清楚,我也不多说了。  自甘堕落了一年的你,也很清楚,你完全没资格怨天尤人,因为跟身边的人比,你实在是太好命了。 甭说得太远,看自家的大姐就好。丈夫走了,独自抚养一个孩子,你能比她更辛苦吗? 2013的我想对你说,闹够了,是时候重整心情再冲刺了。 我,会连着你的份,好好努力下去的。 一起加油吧! xoxoxo 2013的我,下