
Showing posts from August, 2014

折马趣 之 玻璃市绕圈圈2

话说,自Gua Kelam 55km骑折马到屁股大腿痛到不行后,我又一如往常地发神经了。 一个星期后的周末,我独自一人骑脚车。 其实我也不是故意要演孤僻怪蓝 lone ranger 的啦。我当然很乐意有个骑车伙伴,可是我是那种一觉睡醒心情爽快就直接出门了,比如说我七点半醒,感觉很爽就出门骑车了,怎样约人??再说,周休二日早上七点半打电话叫人家出来骑脚车,会被咒/揍死吧。。。我有国门线(common sense)的咯好不~~

折马趣 之 玻璃市绕圈圈1

好废的题目!!哈哈!!可是我实在想不到还能怎么出题了 -_- ‘折马’ - 是折式铁马的简称,亦是折式脚踏车的意思。 ‘趣’ - 当然是兴趣,乐趣的意思啦~ 聊折马前,我想推销玻璃市一下。 玻璃市是骑脚车的好地方! 这里路比较少,有些很大有些比较小,有好几条路是paralel的,车流量不多, 最重要的是。。。 。。。风景美到~~~~~~ 这个地方这种风景离市区只有五到六公里的距离噢! 对我来说,在玻璃市骑脚车最大的期望,就是找到更多更多更美的风景路线! 再聊折马~ 拥有这辆折马应该有两年了吧。 当时存粹想知道价钱,要姑姑帮忙问一下 (因为她家开修理机车和零售机车零件店面,所以知道很多spare parts店和摩多脚车店等) ,结果,无声无息地,一辆折马就出现在家里了! 我们想要付她钱,可是一直耍太极地把钱推来又推去,最后姑姑竟然把钱包在红包里还给我们 -__- 所以由始至终没能知道到底是多少钱一辆。 几个月后,二姐也想买一辆,一样的事情又发生了! 我们总共拿了两辆免费的折马!真是不好意思~~~

Foldie Ride 24.55km at Perlis

Another solo ride on Sunday woohoo!! LOL sounds like a weirdo loner with solitary soul haha! No lah, I am happy to have a bike ride buddy but I always spontaneously go out for a ride (or gym or whatever fitness related) , I mean, if I suddenly feel shiok then I just go, for example if I wake up at 7.30am I got that mood I will just go, so it’s nearly impossible to jio people beforehand. Call people up on a Sunday morning at 7.30am for bicycle ride, siao ar!? P/S: Haha found another similarity between me and Hon, this is his pattern on traveling. I had a dinner gathering on Friday night which ended kinda late, so I slept in on Saturday (say only slept in, biological clock woke me up at 9am… KNS!) . On Saturday night, the sky was not reddish (reddish being one of the indicators of raining at night) but there's some lightning, so I thought it's gonna rain the next day and felt disappointed, but I still prepared my gear lah just in case. Fortunately, the weather lov...

Foldie Ride 55.30km + 20.13km + 27.68km at Perlis

... and my pelvic bone hurts -_- ... as well as my thigh because of the super tight bicycle pants! Last weekend, WH and me went for a crazy round of 55km (him 68km because my house was on the way and he had to come to my place which is another 10+km for him) . We did a 38km few weekends ago and we aimed for a further route, up to Kaki Bukit and Gua Kelam on our next adventure. And so we did!

九州小游 - Jeram Toi & The Shorea

注:森美兰州的’森美兰‘是马来文’九‘的意思,所以被我称为’九州‘。 几个周末前,宏有个两天一夜的聚会,是他们背包客栈‘协会’主办的,在森美兰州的The Shorea。 我不会干涉他的活动,只是那时有点小生气因为明明是在他面前订飞机票的,几天后才来记得他那时有gathering,就不能在买机票时看一看calendar的吗?!不得空就可以买下个周末的啊!后来有一位朋友不能参与,我就变成顶她的位的最佳人选(其实有点小后悔参加)。 大概10.30am 我们抵达芙蓉,在姨婆老鼠粉店吃早午餐。