
Showing posts from December, 2007

Second Year Second Sem

New Semester has begun... on 31st December 2007. YUP!! on that ODD date. Everything started off messy-ly this sem, hope this will be better next year (an hour and twelve seconds more)...

National Treasure vs Da Vinci Code

p/s:First of all, *WARNING* I might seem very 钻牛角尖 regarding this topic, but, it has nothing to do with the movies or the story lines or the main plots etc, it is just my own weird curiosity (*which* might kill the cat, and might make some of you feel that:"Nee ah, all these questionaire will make you a dull girl lar..." "wth, ppl watch shiok shiok, u so many complaint one..."). AND, even 'IF' the Book is really a fake thing, I still curious about the content of page 47. Watched National Treasure: Book Of Secrets few days back. YES!!! It really is a awesome movie!! I REALLY LOVE IT!! And thank goodness it doesn't relate much to National Treasure 2004 . It has awesome story lines, amazing plots, wonderful sceneries etc etc etc~~ and, Nicholas Cage :hugz: My idol :wub: (besides Tom Hanks, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, etc etc... ...) ... ... ... aiks... How to start off hah? WELL, actually, after watching the movie, i did some comparation between and . O...


一些些无聊的 updates: YAY~~!! 阿水来开派对咯 ( 抄于我的表弟, CHIPOMPOM 的 blog) 吉兰丹的情况不比彭亨柔佛的那么糟,大致上,‘ 该淹的地方都淹得七七八八了 ’。 PCB 路 confirmed 的咯, padang bank 那一边啦,学校和 The Store McD 那边咯,可是,河水并没有如 2004 般严重性地泛滥,所以 Tesco 处于安全的状态 如果 水位没涨起的话 …( 特地走去过 Wakaf Bharu 桥看水,失策啊!典型的塞车 – 三条 lane 进一条 lane, 可想而知咯 ) 老豆迷上 PacMan 了 … 最高纪录,玩一整个下午,吃晚餐时就吵手酸痛 .. 也因为这样,我才发现到原来那四只老追着黄嘴巴的小鬼有名字的!红色那个叫 Blink y, 粉红的叫 Pinky , 蓝色的是 Inkey , 橘色的是 Clyde .( 那些名字是 game 的首页放出来的,不知道可信度有多高 ) 妈妈在忙着改 SPM 1119 考卷。有心无力的我只有能力帮她对分数,嘲笑人家的答案。我知道我很衰,可是真得很欲罢不能啊 … 他们的 creativity 还真是没话讲,只是,如果写得好,会是个不错的文章。只是 … 唉 … 笑死我 =P 对不起,我知道我很缺口德,只是,真得很好笑 … 也难为了必须改这些考卷的妈妈。 我没有说自己的英文 deh yit gao( 很厉害 ) 的意思,只是,真的好笑。 其中有几篇相当有趣的 : 1. 有一个,应该是女孩子,画了个公仔,有个 dialog box, 写着 :”Saya tak suka Bahasa inggeris, saya suka bahasa Malaysia . Cintailah bahasa kebangsaan kita.” 然后她以马来文来继续她的作文,只有些单字以英文配上去 … 炸到。妈咪看了哭笑不得,递给我看,我看了笑了一声,继续看戏 ; 2. 有个作文题目是 Tomorrow. 有个考生真的很有创意,把 tomorrow 写成人名,这一位 tomorrow 有两个好朋友, yesterday 和 today. 这三个人是哥儿们,也很符合剧情桥断,搞三角恋。 Yesterday 和 ...

*random pics*

Try out Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20, and kinda proof that im 'kinda' noob photographer >. here some pictures that might make the pro's eyesight kinda sour hor.... :p ^LimCoCo. The exposure is too much i think >. ^ This is failed. right? Took at wrong angle, wrong exposure light. ^ Try to wait until the wind blow up the flag but failed. >. ^ My comics collection.. blur >. ^This is just to take for song-song. My dad is so addicted to PacMan, he played for the whole evening. (Look at the corner left, the tiny blue box) Add On: *TERRORIST WIN!* (SE K510i)

Mother Knows Better

I’m going to make a boring synopsis of a story here =) Watching in the Hallmark channel. GOSH!!! I’m so glad that my mum is not so 偏激 !!! It was about a mother who would anything just to separate her daughter and the son-in-law - at any cost~ BY EVEN HIRING A HITMAN TO KILL HIM!!! The story is roughly like this: a girl from a rich family background fall in love with a mechanic ( 小康 , owns a car workshop), through a newpaper’s relationship ad made up by their mothers. When the girl’s mom, Celeste finds out that the guy aint 门当户对 with her girl, she does anything she could to separate them, and ofcoz, she failed. And I tell u, she really does ANYTHING she could (made me 咬牙切齿 ). However, they got married anyway and made her more beh song. Until she decided to hire a hitman to kill her son-in-law, for the name of ‘protecting her daughter’. NAH!!! Pawned! The hitman she hired was actually disguised by police. So finally she ended up kena tangkap and sued...

National Geographic & Discovery Channel

By utilizing the one-month holiday time as a student, I watched discovery channel and national geographic (which it might sound so unbelievable) , not all day long ofcoz, but at least on few programmes that I interested so much in. From the super-extravagant of the Forbidden City , to the finding of Queen Nefertiti’s body (the mummy), and the brutal events about the gladiators. About the Forbidden City , I watched two versions of it: National Geographic version and Discovery Channel’s version. Although the NG has two parts, I prefer DC’s version more. The only name that I heard the most during NG’s version is Pu Yi, 傅仪 , the last emperor of China . However, DC did a good job in narrating the history of China emperors. Now I can finally arrange the family tree during Qing dynasty 清朝 : KangXi 康熙 > YongZhen 雍正 > QianLong 乾隆 . And they made me so eagerly wanna visit Forbidden City after Vatican City

Money-saving Hair Perm

I had my hair cut 7 months after i did my hair perm and highlighting and colouring etc.. It's not a really so nice one coz she cut it abit too short (It's a nice layer style though but on the top of my head, that part is abit too short, I had the hair cut at Janes') .. ANYWAY.. My exam week had started. So, to prevent the brain lack of hard drive memory and more smooth defragmentation processes, usually i'll tie the hair up. Until then i discovered the economical way to do hair perming with my new hair cut, and the result is quite awesome~! 1st look, hair down 2nd look, hair up Hair down again~ TaDa! Paiseh neh, i forgot to smile :p Even though the curl din last for long time, but it looked nice *woott* But the hair ends are so terribly damaged due to the colouring and perming, i had another hair cut last week.. and, ermm.. not so nice, especially the 刘海 >. (Sorry dear, but it really not so nice..)

*my first Eiffel Tower*

Sorry for lack of blog entries, the network pissed me off.. Not much to talk about (coz I haven't draft any ideas, and yes, the network pissed me off very much).. Anyway, I gonna show out my nice done job throughout the 2nd year 1st semester.. :) ^ The tool kit box very 1st draft : Next step 2: 3 : 4: 5: 6: AND!! FINALLY!! TaDa~~~ p/s: sorry for the different sizes of the pictures as i cant resize them...