
Showing posts from June, 2010


终于考完试了!!! 自由万岁!!! 当然,今天想说的不是自由,而是爸爸。 当然,也跟我自由后的行程有关。 从小,我都认为妈妈最凶,她每次都狠狠地骂我们。没办法,谁叫她是老师,而我一直都对老师没什么好感,谁叫我的小学老师都是狠角色... 而爸爸呢,就是最酷的。他以前还在KB做工时,总是跟我们的作息时间擦肩而过。 我们起床时,他已经出门了;我们睡了,他才回来。没办法,shift嘛... 所以,当他没做工时,我们就很爽了。他会用motor一个坐前面,一个坐后面地载我们出去溜达吃东西。 ***********中间部分直接省略*************** 后来,当我们慢慢长大,他也慢慢年长时,他就越来越可爱了。 一直以为妈妈会反对的事情,反而变成爸爸在反对,而妈妈确实很潇洒地赞同。 而且,他也变得越来越爱装可爱了。每次都喋喋不休地开玩笑。有一次讲的笑话真的是冷到~~~~~~我们都无力赔笑,妈妈就说: “还好你的孩子都是女儿,还有人听你胡扯;如果是儿子早就像 他的朋友 一样感情冷淡到不行了...” 直到现在,他也进入半退休的阶段,就更可爱了,因为他在家太闲了。 话说有一次,我放长假要开车回家,他已答应要过来陪我回。 后来,有问到朋友要做我车一起回,我就跟他说不用来了,我跟朋友一起回。 可是,他的回复,让我无以伦比地无言以对。 他说: “你朋友要一起回,可以啊~可是,我就是要去,可以没有?” 我如果讲不可以,会被天打雷劈的好不好... 当然,外人都不知道这些小细节,所以他们都说我很manja,这么大个人了还要爸爸陪。 其实我家长途还真的是要有人一起的,可以轮流嘛... 这个周末会去KL溜达,当然,又是老爸过来玻璃市陪我驾车去。 人家要讲我有没有搞错也好,要讲我不孝也罢,随你便~ 只因为... 我的爸爸很可爱

Study Mode ON

3 papers in 2 days God help me -__________________- From the previous post, I have four roads right now, and I'm standing in the middle of the crossroad of life wtf . Generally and 'unintentionally', for the time being, I've 好像 closing up two roads already, since it would be a little late to go for medical check up and the etc things we are required to do, ALTHOUGH we are given 2 weeks for registration (classes start on 12th for all Uni). One other reason of not choosing coursework is because I found myself not fond of 'studying' and exams anymore. Don't want any more memorizing, fight and score for better grade and stuffing my brain with notes and calculations, lecturers bias-ing etc. I had enough. So, bye bye lah UM and USM.


再一次,我又走到另一个人生的十字路口。 五年前,我什么都不想,就只是一味地义无反顾地专注在找工作。 三年前,我想离开公司,又没有比较好的条件,又一次义无反顾地选择了读书。 现在,有一个十字路口了,可是,我却潇洒不起来。 我没办法义无反顾,我没办法坚持,我没办法锁定目标。 更糟的是,我还想不透我到底以后要干嘛。但是,这个却是最重要的关键性问题,很重要,也足以影响我未来,我一生。 ********** 目前有四条路 (还真的是十字路口啊!!) : 1. 它只是个延长性的路途,要抵达目的地的过程也没什么差别。路途不难,会顺利完成,只是对未来的保障不大,还可能会导致滞销。 2. 它也是个条平滑无阻的道路,只是跟现在的方向有点偏差。从这个方向望去,只看得到兴趣,未来有点模糊。 3. 跟第一条路一样,只是这条却显得更凹凸不平,而且得用走的。一路上可能还会不停地跌到摔跤,可是一路平稳地走下去会领到一个光明前程。 4. 就跟五年前一样,什么都不用想,就直接找工作。 ********** 每一条路都有它的好处,也有它的坏处。我拿捏不了它的轻重,也怕我会后悔。 有个朋友笑我不会过滤资料。我的借口是“我没办法不去想啊,这是我的将来也!” 看来,我得去算命问神了... 突然让我想起这首歌: 我~亮子的中心思想是个WHY WHY的表现是 搞不懂就问人 搞得懂就答人 没有人懂还可以问神!

The Comparison

The topup course has almost come to an end. Time really flies, and there goes another month of the year. No doubt lecturers have their own favourite student (Don't quote me please) , and students tend to have their favourite lecturer(s) too. For this reason, I tend to do comparison among them. Ever since this short semester started, we met with our former lecturers again. Some, they have experience teaching us before; For some, we are their first lecture. The former, some is getting much much better than before, and some remains the same; The latter, some is as good as the other 'good' lecturers, some is neutrally good. I'm in the crossroad once again, dilemma and uncertainty, just like what I was in three years ago when I was making my decision to leave the company and to continue study. Last time, it was so darn easy, and I envy the previous 'me' who don't have to think about so many things, yet. I have four roads now: 1. It's the extension of the p...

Cousin Chun Gor's Wedding

My cousin, Tan Wei Chun, or we call him Chun Gor, was married on the first weekend of June. It was initially a predetermined and confirmed plan (on my side), after finished everything in the Uni, going back, plans for the following weeks and month while waiting for the final semester result and the reply of the Master's applications to come out. Then, suddenly, the topup course issue surfaced. So the plan was partially jammed. Luckily, I insisted on going back too. Haha. Anyway, back to the story. The '出门' was on Friday morning. We were told to be at the grandpa's place at 7am, and luckily we didn't, because the 新娘车 would only depart at 10am. Bloody.... ^Us in front of the room ^新娘车 ^Heng-Dais... It was quite a chaos at our place. Too many people with too many 'their own' rules and regulations and traditions really didn't help much in this kind of situation at all. Headache. Even me, the innocent not-so-related-and-definitely-not-VIP person also coul...

Ching Ming 清明记

陈年旧事翻出来聊一聊... Ching Ming is a Chinese traditional festival where Chinese people will visit and clean their ancestor's and elderly's graves. Ever since I've been away from hometown after SPM to further study and working, it's hard to meet the right timing to go back home for this ritual procedures (AND, unlike China, it is not a public holiday in Malaysia, and they have public holiday on 端午节 too!!) So, since I could squeeze out some time during the weekend and everybody went back too! , so after so many years, I've come back! Sorry granpa and granma, I have been unfilial all these years. The first stop was at Tanah Merah and Kusial, where my paternal grandfather and great-grandparents were buried. The day was really hot, I could feel my skin burning. However, duty was still duty. ^putting 'in' new 'wallpaper' - it's like repaint the house As in the tradition, female is not allowed to stand on top of the grave, so... ^dad was responsible to 'pa...

My Water Moments

I have to admit, I am always a big fan of water, be it pond, lake, river, sea, ocean, waterfall and so forth, especially the thrills of certain jungle-trekking distance to reach an awesomely isolated waterfall, it will be like giving me the ecstasy of life. Early this year, I went to Langkawi with my friends. The sereneness of the sea water with boats, yachts and sailing boats wandering around the ocean simply adores me. Hooping onto a mini ferry, off we went to Payar Island, about 1 hour 'sea' journey from Kuah town. The oceanic scenery here was even jaw-dropping. I couldn't wait any longer to jump into the clear blue water to swim with fishes! After putting on all the gears, off I went for snokelling. That was in fact my first snokeling experience, and I loved it instantly! The exotic fishes, the special looking corals, I even had my first touch on a living sea cucumber! (FYI, they look like feces laying on the ocean bed. Haha!) After 'wandering' around, I starte...

The Irony

I'm back to this old place which I've been spending my three precious years here, thanks to the stupid topup course. It's quite irony, because about two weeks before I came back here, I bid farewell to the lecturers I met like there's no tomorrow, like we will not going to see each other for a long long time. Time flies by without acknowledging us at all. Three years. Three bloody years. Last year, same day, I was in Urumqi after spending 6 days with my parents in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Now, I'm stuck here. Within two weeks, I've been having so much great impacts, I almost fell into the anxiety attack again. Thankfully, I'm still OK, thanks to friends, family and lecturers. They made me feel much better about myself although I cried anyway . I was super unsatisfied with my results, especially final year project. After all the blood-smearing and tears-flooding process, everything the panels saw in the reports was just ' a pile of crap, bullshit and rub...


掏心掏肺,呕心沥血的结果竟然是B+!!! 我真的很够力失望咯... 如果是我自己的问题 (报告书写得不够好,presentation烂到顶肺 etc etc), OK咯,我一口气跟它吞下去咯~ 如果是那几个天才的问题,我要慎重地跟你们讲声:“你们就等天收啦!!!!”