The Great Fall

MyBrain15 result is out, and this appears on my screen which is totally out of my expectation and I am so not ready to accept this kind of outcome.

'tak lengkap' my ass.

The only thing I saw 'incomplete' in the backup copy of my application form is that I uploaded the unverified copies of my documents since they are all the freaking ORIGINAL copies.

I fall hard on this one. Really hard.

Along this 27 years of my f*cked-up life, I filled in hundreds and thousands of forms. Academic vise, so far there's no record of incomplete forms submitted by me!!

Although it's not really a big sum of money, at least it can help me waiving off the freaking fees. I must have put a hell lot of hope onto this one after the failure of NSF, I fall from the very top to the very bottom. Hurt so badly, I wanted to kill the annoying cricket in the lab and the innocent boy of my clustermate's whose being nothing but super noisy and annoying.

A friend kept on reminding me about my 'skin color' (if you know what I mean), since the NSF, and to expect this kind of result, forget about it and move on. If so, I really need to ask for a verification from my NSF interviewer, because the way he said it as if I am 'one of them' (if you know what I mean)!!

I don't know la, fortune teller said it is a good path (yea I know, superstitious). Everyone says every thing happen for a reason, what is mine? I need two reasons already up til now.

For what I've been through, the most irritated thing is people telling me "You have a good CGPA. No worries lah~ They prefer top scorer" when I go/decide for anything academically. MY ASS!!

If this is the hint of telling me I am not qualified to go for higher degree, just say so, I will quit right away.

OMG I hate this feeling. The feeling of being at the lowest of the lowest mood. Need to do something about it. Haih. 收拾心情很麻烦一下的咯... -__-


shi said…
oh.. i check but is under process..><lll
The Diablo said…
Anonymous said…
hey there, i've read your post recently noticing that your application has been turn, my application for myphd has been rejected too..but the thing is, there's no discrimination regarding the 'skin colour' because i'm Malay..
Huey Nee said…
Hi there. Sorry if I offended you, I was in deep depression that time and just want to rant. Sorry for your rejection, can still try again. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Next time subit verified worry, try luck

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