A Day Around Perlis

Did a one day trip around Perlis last weekend.

Venue: Wang Kelian - Padang Besar - Chuping - Kuala Perlis.

1st stop: Wang Kelian

I have heard for years about the steepy and 九曲十八弯 road going to Wang Kelian, and everyone who talked about the road has never been to Gunung Jerai, so I can't get a comparison out of it, so this time, I can :)

Wang Kelian is one of the two border towns between Malaysia and Thailand. This one is much smaller than Padang Besar, but the variety of goods sold here is indeed tremendous. From the common-est things like shoes and foods to the more 'unique' things like bicycles, small machinery and hardware stuffs, you can find it here.

Since it's the first Sunday on the fasting month, the market was not as crowded and hectic as it used to be. It seems to be more Thailanders than Malaysians here.

As of the road, yup it is as 'creepy' as it always been described to be, but I would still say the Gunung Jerai road is far more challenging than this. Other than that, the place is rather boring.

2nd stop: Lunch at Kaki Bukit

Initially, they wanted to have the BIG Pao at Kaki Bukit, but the pao was finished by the time we got there, so we ordered whatever they have in the shop.

I had the beef noodles. I just realized that there is no beef noodles available in Kangar town! The beef noodle is nice, the soup is thick, the boss is not stingy with its ingredients! Beef balls and all sorts of insides, just great for the bad throat and cough of mine.

3rd stop: Padang Besar

It's a real torture for me to visit this place, with such throat and cough. I cannot eat/buy a lot of things!! When they walked by the 'food' place to buy the nuts and crackers, I was so defeated that I don't want to look at the stalls :(

4th stop: Chuping

We stopped at the 'scenery tower' along the way for photography session. There is a low tower for us to take pictures and the background is just aaaawesome. The wide stretch of greenery, the greens, the distant hills, I can stay there whole day for this. :D

5th stop: Kampung Wai

It's been nearly 2 years since I stepped foot onto this ground. The dump site has transformed into a solar satellite plane site, but the paddy field scenery is still so serene and beautiful, and I indeed miss the juicy orange-y sunset.

We drove along the 'jogging track' and stopped at a small road to take pictures of the 'rainbow house' 彩虹的家 showed in the movie 天天好天. Fortunately for us, it's in the middle of the paddy maturation period, so the color of the paddy field is freshly green, great of picture taking!

Last stop: Dinner at HaiTien Restaurant.


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