
Showing posts from July, 2011

Room Shifting

It's no longer a Room A-to-Room B project. This time, it's about 2 km from my 'now to call' previous rented house. I already know that I would suffer hell lot of my stuffs, never expect it can actually be so plenty. Since the new girl who will be renting my room has all these pantang-larang thing that insists her to move in on this very day (I find this topic quite interesting, hence the next post later) , so I had to shift all my things out for her to stuck in her stuffs. It took me three rounds, with car full loaded front and back, to shift all the belongings. Scary... The shifting was exhausting, the cleaning and arranging was frustrating, but the outcome is overwhelming :) Because of all these hard and busy labor work, I took a breakfast nasi dagang, then 'starved' for the next 8 hours to have a fried rice for dinner. And now, I'm hungry :(

New Furkids In Da House

Went back home last weekend to settle my scholarship stuff. I was given 14 days to settle medical checkup, guarantor and witnesses for the agreement, this and that. Phew~ Last Saturday was the treatment session for asthma in grannie's house, mom assigned me to help on the desk job. Cousin's girlfriend brought two fluffy puppies as a stray bitch gave birth to 8 puppies at her house. I immediately fall in love with them!! ^Keeping themselves comfortable since no one's there to play and response to their tantrum The yellow patch is a female and the black patch is male. It's cute to see how they love to rest their head on the loop and how they love to lift their neck to long up. After negotiating with mom, aunt and cousin, since everyone's hand are tight to keep the puppies and all our dogs were dead :( , we decided to bring them home. The first night was a bliss. They did whine and cry here and there, but settled down quick enough. We guess it's because they have e...

PhD Comics

LOL Oh goodness I've found yet another funny comic website to share... Piled Higher & Deeper posts comic strips about the ongoing chronicle of life (or the lack thereof) in grad school (Malaysian term - postgraduate). I am surprised by the duration of their PhD route as it takes as long as 9 - 10 years! Anyway, I must say, I sincerely agree to most of the comic strips in it, providing it tells the tale of my own life too, and many other postgrads' life... Newton's law:

Thunder + Rain in the Middle of the Night

I had a headache for three days now, I get tired and sleepy and uncomfortable no matter how enough my sleep (8 hours as standard) is, how cold I am (being in a 20 degree room, away from the heat wave outside) , and how much rest I take. I blame the sleeping quality even though I slept over 8 hours daily, but I sleep through the night tightly, so that's not the case. Last night, I hit the bed at 11pm when the headache struck again, even Glee couldn't stop me from feeling sleepy from the headache. It was a hot day and hot night, the fan was at the maximum blast. When I was running around some relative's huge mansion to search for my room in my dream, suddenly some flashing woke me up and I thought it was morning already, following with a very loud thunder. I grumbled, saying '酱快就天亮了咩' while reaching for the alarm clock, and it's 2.14AM! Then the series of loud thunders (I mean very very loud, like maximum volume!!) and flashing lightning went on ...

It's Getting Hot In Herre

The super hot sunny weather has come back!! When I drove back to Perlis last Monday, the 5pm sun was like a 2pm sun, high up the sky and super hot! I almost melt... I overreacted when my application for MyBrain15 scholarship was unsuccessful during the first phase. So now the screen showed the huge 'TAHNIAH' , Cheshire Cat grin appears~ ^Got it finally!! Hehehehhehe.... picture courtesy of tvtropes Today was the settling-the-documents-and-stuff day: 1. clinic for medical checkup; 2. Jabatan Bendahari to submit the scholarship offer letter; 3. Bank Islam to open a new account; 4. Bus station to buy bus ticket (going back KB on weekend to settle some more stuff...) The day was hot, as usual. I hardly drank any water when going around the town. The clinic was full house! Submitted the offer letter (first time being hold back by the security guard!) , walking to Bank Islam. Since it was already middle of the day and a lot of traffic, despite the hot weather, I decided to walk rath...

Dogs Whisperer

The house is so freaking silence since all the dogs were gone :( One of the things I love most about coming back home is the Astro B-yond. The HD features are so-so (because of the limited setting of the TV, making HD is not so HD), while I love the recording function the most. Back to the topic... National Geographic aka NatGeo is my all time favourite (despite the fact that I watch only few specific content: Dogs whisperer, air crash investigation, Mythbuster etc) Recently, my most favourite/watched NatGeo series would be 'Dogs Whisperer' . It is so interesting, even my parents are lured in watching the show with me, and they love the command 'tsst'. From wiki: Dogs Whisperer is a reality TV series that follows Caesar Millan as he works in the field of dog rehabilitation. Every episode, it features different characteristics or bad behaviors of the dogs that making everyone's life miserable; then Caesar Millan comes to rescue. His philosophy is t...


1. 这次回家,算是老板又一个‘最后一分钟’的决定。 回家当然是件好事;为公事回家也没关系,只是这种Last Minute的状况比较惹人厌烦。我甚至还重负三次同样的问题,为了‘再三’确定老板是认真的 -___- 星期五... 老板:“我们拜一去KB。你准备相关资料一下...” 我:“... ... ...这个拜一?” 老板:“...是的。拜一。” 我:“... ... ...这个要来的拜一?” 老板:“... ...是的。就是那个拜一。” 我:“这个十一号的拜一?” 老板:“...好的。 -___-” *********讨厌那些只给我添加烦恼没有欢乐的paper work和慢吞吞朋友,省略************** 2. 第六次! 我也够天兵。 话说,我们的研究跟USM的Hematology部门有很深厚的交情,所以原先已经讲好可以帮我检查我的血液。 (试想,可以看自己的血长什么样子是多酷的一件事啊!) 我天兵到自己趁个空档跑去捐血,忘记说声,结果把 ‘记得叫护士准备你的血给我’ 的交代给完全忘了。 -____- 总之,无言~~~ *********************************************** 3. 有额外收入了! 抱歉,照片太小了。 我这个没什么看头的部落格总于进第一张支票了。虽然数目不大,还是可以在我脸上放上一张笑脸~ *****************$$$*******************$$$********************** 4. 刚才新闻报道魏家祥对学生UPU上诉要求进入‘名牌大学’做出回应,说 ‘学生应该选系不选院,雪龙以外还是有好大学’ 的说法,令周玛很是满意,只不过,魏兄,你能不能去跟那群MOSTI的Interviewers讲一声,因为他们觉得我First Degree和Postgraduate都选这间不PRESTIGE的大学 很lat seh !! 我是很记仇,可是现在原谅他们,因为我拿到奖学金了 :) 只是要确定PhD一定要到手才行...


到这个月尾,我正是在这里住了一年。 一年来,虽然和房东一起住有点不方便/不自由/很别扭,可是住下来,我们的感情越来越好; 有时,我甚至觉得我俩是相依为命的两母女;只是跟我娘不同的是,亲情是没有啦,倒是啰里八嗦的部分比较多。 (真的,就只是房东身份,有时却唠叨得比我娘更胜一筹) 她出远门时我帮她看家,帮忙浇花,帮她看Astro(不看白不看);她不在家时帮她朋友开门,应门;偶尔帮她买东西;她也热心地借我脚车和摩多... 咱俩在这屋檐下二人世界了快一年,看在我下个月要搬家,两个房间空着,我就大发慈悲地帮房东在网上打广告。 两个星期后,终于有回应了,不料无意间颠覆了我俩的生活习惯。 话说,两个女孩来看房间。有一个要了中房 (此文称她为小中) ,另一个就拿了大房 (此文称她为厅长) - 令周麻的房间。 有几个point,让我觉得她们应该算是我见过超不合群的朋友吧。 (以下都是aunty转告我的) 不知什么原因,她们原本住的房子是到这个月尾期满,可是全部人纷纷搬走了,剩下这位要租我房间的女孩;而她,不要一个人睡在她们原本的家。 (第一点,就丢下她不管,算是什么朋友啊?) 当然,我也是月尾期满,虽然已经有新家的锁匙,可是因为种种原因,我还是得到月尾才可以清房给她。 所以,那位‘有家不要归’的女孩就请求Aunty让她睡客厅。她不怕不方便或热或蚊子多,只是要个角落放床睡觉而已。 为什么睡客厅而不暂住她朋友的房间? 两个女孩说什么都不肯一起睡! 小中嫌厅长睡觉有声音; 厅长不说原因,死死就是不要跟小中睡。 (第二点,我睡觉也有声音啦,又不见我的朋友把我踢出房间;再说,能几大声?) 就这样,她睡了一个晚上。我自己是feel到有一些些别扭啦,不知道Aunty什么心情。客厅算是Aunty的小天地咧,被霸掉应该也很无奈吧。 而且,她们很早睡!七早八早就把客厅的灯关了!还我得摸黑去洗脸刷牙 -_- 如果是我,宁可挨到月尾,也不要在这里做厅长。 所以,我和Aunty猜,可能她们家闹鬼吧,所以急着搬~

Facebook and Parents

I don't have issue about parents having FB accounts, particularly both my parents have an account (which my dad controls both accounts' activities... -_- IT Geek!) . Anyway, something kinda creeps me about parents and FB. ********************* My landlady's friend, who I quite fond with, wanted to borrow my laptop and internet to go in facebook. I was a little surprised since I heard them say they know nothing about computers and internet, but I still gave my offer, what's the harm right? After setting up the modem, connection and stuff, I took a few steps back to see what's the aunties are up to, and if they need some assistance of course. Well, I must say I was amazed to see the aunty was familiar with the whole where-to-click, searching-mutual-friends stuffs (she does not have an account though, it's her son's) , she clicked an account and started to view the photos and discussing with my landlady. It's a boy's account, late teens or e...

Nightmarket Manners

Visiting the nightmarket is kind of my weekly routine thing since Degree time, thanks to the great fruit bargain (fyi I'm not really a fan of supermarket's fruits) . Anyway, nightmarket is a nightmare of huge crowd and vehicles. The older I get, the lesser interest I have in exploring the nightmarket, especially those I am over familiar with. The mission is simple: park car - go in - buy things - get out. However, I get pissed so often of the bad nightmarket manners the fellow goers have. It's like traffic jam in human form, and most of the times they make it hard for people walking behind them to overtake them. Good thing I can bypass one part of the crowded lane to the fruit stall, but the dinner main course and dessert are in the middle of the 'war zone', so as the nightmare. Example: 1. Walking manners - I think you might hate it when two motorbikers ride their motor side by side on the road, same thing in nightmarket. I don't mind people walk side ...