Final exam

The draft schedule is out!

3/11 2.30pm ENT411 Imaging
5/11 9.00am ENT412 Instrument
7/11 9.00am EUW212 BI U
11/11 9.00am EUW235 Etnik
13/11 9.00am ENT423 AI
18/11 2.30pm ENT420 Modeling

Ok la so far... Not so tight yet not too loose. Anyway, so far means there is still some possible changes on the schedule, as the title says: DRAFT mah...

I hope the date will not fluctuate too much, if it stays that would be even better. Haha! Nevermind lah even if the papers are scheduled until the last week of final, we the final year students cannot go back early anyway because FYP viva will be conducted after that! Yiiiiiiiii


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