
Showing posts from May, 2010

Movie I watched

1. Hachiko: A Dog's Story Another dog movie that makes me cry. Plus, Richard Gere is hot! (My housemate was weird why would I like an old man. Dude, that is called 'MATURE' ok?) I love 'based on true story' story as I've mentioned for an annoying number of times! , and this in fact is an awesome one. The origin of this movie (and the dog, Hachiko) was from Japan in 1923, you can google about the details. At first, I seriously thought that Akita Inu and Shiba Inu are the same breed yet they use different names, but they are actually different breed. The confusion was because of this movie , where at first I thought Hachiko and Mari are from the same breed. They are not. There is similarity in the appearance of both breed (the phoenix eyes LOL), but Akita Inu is larger than Shiba Inu. Now this explains why Hachi(above) is larger than Mari(below). ^Hachiko vs tall adult aka Richard Gere ^Mari vs young girl aka Aya This movie tells the story of a loyal dog named Hac...

Home At Last

I've been home for almost a week now. I was kinda bored, since I came back after a series of busy-ness overload period. You know, like, you are super busy for FEW MONTHS, then suddenly there's nothing to do anymore. LoL. My house's internet speed ain't that fast too, so, if I'm doing something illegal , I can't surf the net, and vice versa, and I can't do both things in the same time, and sometimes I can't at all. Thus explain the lack of FB-ing and blogging and etc. LoL. Anyway, I'm glad, relieved, bliss and contented. At last, I'm done. Just hope we don't have to follow the fate of our school - the 'TOPUP subjects' is a curse!! I do not want! Random story time: 这是故意要吊妹妹的胃口的~~ On our way back to KB from Perlis (dad visited Pauh, and he and Mr. YB actually met each other, it's just that they didn't know each other) , 老爹跟我说了一下让我热血沸腾,激动不已的事情。 真没想到,有些人真的可以这么厚颜无耻!什么血浓于水,我呸!自己不肯负那个责任,就表乱乱把罪名套在别人身上! 后来,妈把整个故事完整性地述说,更让我气到~~~~~从清明到现在,...

2010 Thomas Cup Final : CHN vs IND

Since I talked about Semi Final, takkan I don't talk about Final right? And yes, it's a bit late, so? I watched the final match at the smelly hostel's TV room. Live streaming and maxis really don't love me I think, the sound was smooth but the screen was total blank. Sienness overload. Plus, I spent about 10 minutes walking around the hostel compound to look for another TV room, because the previous TV room which was just two houses away from mine was cleared. Then ended up at another block and the room was super smelly with cats' urine. Just imagine how horrible it is!! -____- And the TV screen was broken, the display was blurry, totally. Beh tahan to the max. And, I didn't watch Uber Cup Final, but the fact that Korea won the cup for the first time certainly made me regret for not watching the game. Oh well~ ************************************ LD vs TH: Yo, Taufik was way underperformed, and, for me, his performance was worse than our Datuk!! -___...

2010 Thomas Cup Semi Final: CHN vs MY

I was disappointed. I couldn't watch it through live streaming site (I guess because too many users at that time) , so I went to a food stall nearby hostel with large projector screen to have dinner and watch the game. It's not really 'intentionally' go outside to watch, I have to eat anyway right... *********************** LCW vs LD: So many years, so many head-to-head matches, it still proves that LD is LCW's biggest challenge that has yet to be beaten. The first set was quite OK (for me lah), despite some mistakes here and there. During the second set, even the pakcik of the stall also watch until beh tahan. There were huge disparity of facial expression between those two players: LD with his lansi and proud and confident smile; LCW with his 'kan ni na 又 out!' look. Dude, the expression itself also lose big time liao. On more thing is that, at some point, it was so obvious that the other half part of the court was empty, but LCW just kept on givi...

Homesickness+Sienness Overload

I've been telling myself 'It's just a little bit more Lim Huey Nee!!!' ever since after my last paper, viva and all sorts of stuffs. I found that I didn't talk about my final exam stuff at all. It was quite OK. Anyway, as we are using new grading system starting this semester, the lecturer said we might feel the effect of this as the marks for each grade is different. Just pray hard I still maintain what I have now. Viva was full of blood and tears. The series of AK47 attacks were not easy. I came out from the presentation room with seriously injured mind and soul. I told mom about all these, and she was so worried she called for three consecutive days to make sure I'm alright (It's actually pretty much odd as it's from a mother who usually calls her daughter once every fortnight and an unfilial daughter who usually wouldn't call her mother that much) . She was supposed to be here last weekend to take me back to hometown, but I was occupied with the...
原来,心痛到极端时,是不会流泪的... 昨晚,我领悟了这个道理... 其实,只是一件小事...真的很小很小。 可是,这件小事让我的无名火一时就上来了,让我无言以对地心痛,让我很不想看到她们的脸... 当下的心情,很痛。让我觉得自己一直以来又变成只是被利用的傻瓜,让我觉得我以为自己最要好的朋友,也不过如此而已。 我只想跑出去。 当我在玻璃市-北大宽阔道路狂奔飙车时,我很想哭。也真的有哭,但是哭得很没瘾。 在回程时,一滴眼泪也没流出来。反而觉得自己很好笑。 只是,我的心情,我的观念,我的想法,我的态度,已经不再一样了。 我以为我们说好的。真的。 你们让我以为我只是一厢情愿地以为跟你们是一伙的。真的。 你们也让我领悟了这个道理。 我的心很痛,真的很痛。 可是,原来,心痛到一个极端的阶段,是不会哭的。

Super Emo

Not really sure why, I found that my mood and myself fluctuate frequently and easily by any perturbation in life, regardless of the size of the impact. I've just finished my viva today, and it was a total disaster, so to speak. I don't really mind kena diao -ed by the examiners about things that I should know but I didn't, but I can't really accept the ego-ness-overload examiners know freaking nothing yet they don't want to accept our explanation!! You don't understand, you know nothing, then u just listen to what I say lah and/or try to understand and digest lah, even if you are a fucking Prof or Dr. or Ir. The knowledge is great, you can't hold them all. Am I really ready for Master?? :(

Counting Down Days in Pelis...

My laaaaast paper for Bachelor's degree *finger crossed* will be on tomorrow. My VIVA aka final year project presentation will be on Wednesday. Course 'Last & Forever' dinner will be on Friday. If everything goes on smoothly, next week will be my laaaaaast week being a mahasiswi. I'll be done here. :) Three years.... Three bloody years.... OK! Move on to other topic! I have done nothing super special or much lately. Just as ordinary as any other days. 1. I donated blood, after the freaking 1 year and 3 months. Yes, Blood donation can be done in 3-month interval, and I know you are not interested to know much about why the long duration etc, so let's move on. There's a program going on at a school nearby our hostel (about 5-7 minutes walking distance), and they held a blood donation program too. So, me and my housemate went to contribute our effort. ^ :) (I was sweating like crazy because of the hot weather, and the nurses laughed at me -__- ) ^My blood! 300m...