
Showing posts from March, 2011

Second Flood Wave in Perlis

There's one thing which is strongest than all the other things in the universe: Mother Nature Despite all the frustration overload moment, My laptop was fixed and ready yesterday. Spent RM230 for it, and it works all good now. There's a saying in Chinese '清明时节雨纷纷' , which means during the festival of Cheng Beng (or in a direct translation - Tomb Sweeping Day/All Souls' Day), rain is usually expected to come because of the weather characteristic during the season. This time around, the rain has been 'harassing' Perlis for days. The BIG kind of rain. I had to stop jogging for days too due to the bad weather. For the first phase, the rain rotates with the sun, where they appeared in turn: rain first in the morning then sunny for the rest of the day; or sunny first in the morning then rain in the evening. For the later phase, the single lonely sun was outnumbered by the dark clouds with heavy rain, and it had been raining and raining day and night for days. We a...

Sigh, 'nuff Said

The laptop sabotaged me again. This time, it's the screen backlight/inverter problem, or so I heard from the technicians in the shop. I can seriously feel my heart broken into tiny pieces when I heard the news, especially when the staff said:"Well, it happens. Don't be too frustrated," after I gave a tremendous sigh on it. I thought I was overreacting again, but apparently, mum is more furious than I do. She said if this happens again, I can just throw the thing into the river and get a new one. Nothing much to complaint though. It has served me for 3 years plus (its' fourth birthday is in the middle of the year) , it's just showing signs I have been treating it rough and careless. Like a friend said:"It seems more likely to be the owner's problem." Duh~ So there it goes, 进厂 for nearly a week, and I hope it's nothing more than RM300. ************************** Anyway, I can literally survive without laptop and internet for the weekend at hom...


Let's make it "Dogs' week", part of Coco's memoir :| BiBiBoi might seem to be a big boy now, with his tall body and long legs, his gut doesn't grow like his physical body. This coward boy has one so-called enemy dog at the neighborhood, a stray dog which comes to our street once in a while. Every time that dog comes by, BiBiBoi barks like that dog is his father's murderer, although other dogs have no such problem. We think the dog used to attack or bully BiBi before, that contribute to the resentment. Last weekend when I was at home, I saw this cute incident that I just wanted to share. That dog came over again, and when CoCo Jie and one naughty stray dog played with BiBi's enemy... ...and he literally moved around that area and didn't dare to get closer. Poor coward~ :D ********************** Back to Kangar, the puppy that was given birth weeks ago has finally comes out to play. It walked around with its mother on the street. The puppy is so cute,...

Tribute to CoCo Lim

CoCo Lim passed away last Sunday. She was suspected to be knocked down by car nearby our house. The road was dark, the road lamp didn't work, and she, as usual, slept in the middle of the road. With dark road, at night, and she herself has dark fur, the driver must have thought he/she hit a wood or pipe or something. Mom said she didn't see any blood oozing out from Coco's body or seriously injured wound, but she seemed weak and unable to get up by herself. Mom picked her up into the house for a 'power' session, and once outside, she took few deep breathes of her life, her tongue dropped out, and she was dead. Mom said it's good for her that she doesn't suffer long. Reminiscing, he has been with the family for years, should be 5-6 years already. She was a pampered little miss before she came to our house, and she was a queen of the family ever since too. As she wasn't young anymore when she came to our family, so she was easy to be taken care of. She...

Movie I watched - Hello Ghost

Hello Ghost 开心鬼上身 (2010) Picture courtesy of I honestly think the posters are not nice lo... Why don't they put the one with normal faces, while he was waiting to cross the road? A good movie with 'cherish your family' theme. This movie makes me laugh like I'm a mad person for 1 h 30 min and cry like there's no tomorrow for the last 10 minute. The story is about a man, Sang Man, who thinks nothing but to commit suicide due to loneliness and despair, tried to suicide by drug overdose and jumping into the river, yet he didn't die instead meeting ghosts. Not one, but four ghost. The pervert old man; the mild bald oily hair smoker; the crying lady and a sweet tooth kid. To make the ghosts go away, he had to carry out their wishes. So, the journey of 'borrowing' the ghosts his body began. He was frustrated and reluctant at first, but gradually he saw good things in his life and even falling in love. The ending is quite a twist. He had ...


上个星期,对面家的老先生突然晕过去,到现在还是处于不省人事状态。 我说老先生,你们以为是那种不出家门,常窝家里的老人家吧? 错了。 应该是70多岁的人,他每天早上和下午都会出去步行。 有时带着他的小孙女一起。 骑着scooter到处去。 比同龄人都硬朗。 可是,就在那晚,他突然晕倒了,完全没预兆。 就好像,电脑用着用着,都没弄到什么突然当机了... 就好像,汽车昨天还好好的,今天突然没法启动了... 就好像,手机平时跌落都没问题,这次突然不能开机了... 可是 人生,不像这些身外物。 电脑 - reboot,System Recovery,再不然format就没事了。 汽车 - 填油,进厂,换电箱什么的就能走动了。 手机 - 送去店维修,又或者再买个新手机就了事了。 一个活生生的人呢? 要怎么format?要怎么添油?要怎么买新零件呢? 人生,像/不像。。。

Siamese Friend's Wedding

Attended Siamese friend, Toh Ah Ee's wedding in Padang Sera, Kedah. It should be 20 minutes journey from my place, but because I was not familiar with that place, I got lost a little while, luckily managed to find her place after all. One thing I love so much about a Siamese wedding, or, should I say, a village-style wedding is that, they serve food in this way... ^ This way They will serve plates and plates of dishes onto the table with various kind of dishes and a soup. It's not only for wedding, but funeral, God worship event and many more. I used to attend events with this kind of food serving many times in Grandma's place (one of the reason is because she was super VVIP in her village and we always get invited) , and even be PART of the event too. This requires a large number of man power to always check on each table for the dishes and rice and water and this and that, kept us busy all time. Time has changed, and honestly, I never came across this for... let's see...


说起和陌生人聊天,听起来好像很奇怪, 其实在我们的生活里都一直有跟陌生人说话的时候, 尤其接触过网络世界的人,对这个概念有更深的经验了... 从早期的(我所熟悉的)Mirc, ICQ, MSN,forum 等, 都是一群陌生人在聊天的地方... 今天,这个话题指的并不是那些,而是我自己的一小段故事,一个经验... 你们曾经有过这种心情吗: 心里一直有块石头,你知道你必须放下,也可以放下, 需要的是一个管道,一个方程式 来把石头放下来。 那时,你娘可能被你反复的低落感到厌烦了, 你的朋友,可能已经听过不数次相同的诉苦,一样的烦恼... 而你,翻遍你的电话phonebook,就是不知道要打给谁,要说什么... 这时,我做了一个决定: 打给 Befrienders . 对,就是那个电台一直打广告的suicide prevention的电话。 放心,你们一定知道自杀是永远不会出现在我的人生字典里。 只是,那个时候,我心里很烦很乱,我很想找人聊天,可是不知道应该找谁,也不知道该跟谁讲些什么。 所以,我就拿起手机,拨了电台里一直反复说着的号码。 对方,是一个男生, 声音年轻,最重要是,他是陌生人。 跟陌生人聊天,最大的重点是我们互相不认识,只是纯粹地聊天。 我,说出了一连串一直想说的话。 对父母的,对家人的,对朋友的,对大学的,对research的。 我的缺点,我的弱点,我的恐惧,我的担忧,我的悲痛,我的期望,我的沮丧... 没有隐瞒,也不许婉转,只是尽情地说出来。 他不需要完全明白,也不需要了解我是个怎样的人... 因为我知道,这时候,我需要的,其实只是一双耳朵。 一双有耐心听我闲话家常的耳朵, 一双不会插嘴批判我的耳朵, 一双只是要听我说话而听的耳朵。 越聊,我就慢慢地发觉并直视自己的缺陷, 重整自己的目标, 站稳自己的脚步。 聊完,心里的那块石头,就在我呼了一大口气后放下了。 我很感谢那位男生,肯借我他的耳朵。 所以,有时候,跟陌生人聊天也是个不错的选择噢 :)

Cycling Round 1 at Perlis

Today, we did something crazier: went for a 20km++ cycle ride. Ok, it might not sound like a very loooong distance ride, but it's my first road tour and it was a hot morning! Cikgu brought 2 of his possessions: both above RM1K. (I did notice Prof Ali and Dr. Cheng at the jogging track, but I didn't dare to approach them and say hi because I'm so shy . ... ... Wahahaha sounds kinda funny when I said that!! ) We started off with a roti canai breakfast at his student's stall, and off we went to Bukit Ayer, which is about 10km from town. We followed the 'inner road' path from the jogging track, smaller and less-vehicle road, where it is joined with the Taman Ular-Putra Golf Club-Taman Burung road which connects with the other main road leading to Bukit Ayer. It's not really a hilly road, but there's definitely some climbing. I felt sorry for Cikgu since he had to use the 'ruined' bike as I was not used to the bumpy tire of it. Cikgu w...

Hard Core Training + Hair Treatment

Spent the whole morning literally on exercise alone! Met up with cikgu at the track, jogged for a round (approximately 3 km) , then a 30 minute bicycle ride (I never thought going to Wang Ulu from the track can be so far!!) , breakfast, and a hike up the Dakian Kasih Lagi behind Dewan 2020 as the ending. OK lah cannot consider as a hard core training yet, but it IS superbly SHIOK !!! :) Never thought I could actually do all these in a morning! Cikgu wanted to ask me go swimming again at the evening, I rejected, NOT because I was exhausted, but rather I had to clean my room and car, and the part time job thing. I've bought a waist pouch for jogging stuff, so can take pictures already from tomorrow onwards... ************************* As it's been 3 months since I last cut my hair, the end started to feel dry, especially after I went for a swimming session. Chlorine is your hair's enemy!! So, I went to Heads Studio in Kangar for a hair treatment. Their service is good! The p...

Sweat it Out!

Shiok!! Just came back from badminton session with fellow Postgraduate buddies. Sweating is fun! Especially after I've been longing for a badminton session for so long... Yesterday, I was finally able to jog around the park without walking! Bravo to myself! Normally I would stop about 1-2 minutes of jog and walk, then continue for another 1 minute and walk. But, yesterday, I didn't even feel like stopping to catch a breath, muscle ache etc! I just didn't want to slow down! Feel so damn good~ Maybe because of my shoe? Or because I went for swimming the day before? Or a sparing partner, Cikgu Azizan? After a round of jogging, Cikgu borrowed me his RM3K bicycle, sponsored by the state government for a round or two. What's the difference between Rm300 bike and Rm3K bike? It's freaking awesome!! Have to sleep now. Another round of jogging and cycling for tomorrow with Cikgu, a LooOoong cycling! Yuhoo!!!

The Awesome Veteran Dude

This morning started a little rough. I slept late the night before, so the morning was not quite a pleasant one, especially I woke up 'by accident' frequently ever since I shifted to the other room, which it has a huge ass windows that face directly towards the outside world, so my mind would shake me up whenever it hears a motorbike or car or any sounds that is loud enough to amuse it. (I can't decide which gender of my mind is since both male and female can be picky, right?) Went to the cluster a little later than usual (20 minutes anyway, not that late). Just a sip away of the last drop of my morning coffee, Prof called ! Apparently there's an emergency meeting about an upcoming conference, and none of his students receive the email. Sad. During the meeting, Prof 'proposed' me to become the chairman of Bursary for the conference, and I wonder why I did not strongly oppose that position. It's a freaking tough task!! OMG. The 'looking-for-sponsorship...