
And you think my laptop was stolen?


Yesterday, I absentminded-ly left my laptop power supply adapter in the lab. I went back to the lab in the evening just to find that absolutely no one at all was in the lab (only then I figured out they had meeting. I think it's a BIG meeting because EVERYONE was gone), so I had to wait until the next day, which is today, to take it from the technician.

My laptop's battery has gone haywire, this moment it is still 63% remaining, the next second a warning message pops up telling me to charge the battery or shut off. Jialat~

So, for one solid night, I was laptop-less, which means I was MATLAB-less, FYP-less, assignment-less, internet-less, skype-less, blog-less, winamp-less (thank goodness I have Zen Micro and speaker), and facebook-less, which also means Plock-less, Country Story-less, Farm Town-less, Cafe World-less, Challenge Sudoku-less etc etc etc...

And, I survived! Thank goodness!
Maybe because I've spent days and nights finishing all my courseworks thing for few days in a roll.

I did my cross-stitch, read the novel I bought few months ago but never have time to really read it, listening to songs from my Zen Micro. I felt relieved and contented, because for this one night, I didn't have to think anything about University stuff, just my own spare time to do whatever I want. Yay!

And today I have to start doing my Design assignment and AI lab reports again. Sigh~

Random pictah time:

^The ultimate Matlab, which is also one part of my Uni life. Luckily, my FYP has nothing to do with it. Thank goodness!

However, *over-addicted to FYP*

^the picture of marker locations to put into my progress report and methodology chapter in the final report. I use the self-timer mode to take this! No help from anyone at all! Geng boh?

^Sport section, the star, 23 Oct 2009.

Days before, I google-d about the fastest smash record to add some lines in my progress report, and suddenly server down. Jialat~

After China's Fu Haifeng and Japan's Naoki Kawamae, Malaysia's Tan Boon Heong now holds the record for fastest smash shot at 421 kph! Kudos~ Should I add shuttle's speed into my parameters for FYP as well? Hmmmm....

This article on the wall made Hid thought I am super big fan of this duo. Haha!


Huey Nee said…
Then the next day I spent hours harvesting my plants, serving my food again =.=""""

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